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Dear lil Demons :3, I hope your enjoying the new homepage still undercontruction sorry. I wanna thank you so much for your support and idea's i wuv u guys sooo much :3. If you like a pic edit or something please contact me or message me but please be sure too know u will be spending around 200creds. I'm currently working on a whole new collection for you guys and girls. i'm hopeing too get this all done before Aug.

New Pic!
New Skins
New Page
New bundle

If you are interested in modeling, Please stop by Hope Modeling Agency. We don't bite.....much but we are like a family. Please fill in an application and if u like send in pics of You! please don't send in Stolen ones or you will be booted.

Please don't send me gifts, Because most products in my wishlist are f for idea's for bundles only<3.

Jose: My wonderful of a jokester of a bro, He and I are very alike you would say where twins. His one of those brothers that fill u complements till u die xD. But the thing i love about this kid is no matter what happens he smiles and cheers u up when having one of those bad days.

Shush: My bitchy sister, Lmao she's not always bitchy just when she had a long day. she is my sister because she knows what she don't cross her when she wants something....

Ashley: One of my other sisters, shes loves too work and loves fashion alot, she has one daughter she loves too death.

Steve: Steven, the guy on my pic half naked with me xD, is a very very sweet guy. The reason I guess he made it on here is he accepts me for me and even though i'm a major dorky, he loves my dorkyness, He supports me on everything I do and i support him on anything his head has in mind. Steven is my best friend for life and thats coming from the dork xD his very very jealous when i eat ramen and he should be because ramen is the best :P, Love yah steven and sorry for putting u half naked on my homepage :3

Predator: His my closes friend on imvu, and the only person i trust enough too tell anything too. me and him have known each other for a year now and hes the reason why i became a creator. His married to a very pretty wife name prey, don't mess with her cause predator will hunt u >> and please don't forget too check out there work (great creators)



Avatar Name : Devastara
Real Name: Sarah
Age: 17
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