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Buy me something rainbow, or purple, or something just cool! :)
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1Jeremy1Farish1 não tem um alguém especial.
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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-02-24
Age: 33
Estados Unidos - MO
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"Come chat with me :)"

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I am
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NOT because it's "cool".
Because It's the right thing.
For me, and my body.

I dont like you.
And you dont like me.

I like eye shadow
It's pretty much amazing
If you find cool eye shadow, tell me.

I'm not sorry that I dont care.

If you're hatin' than dont talk to me.

Dont trust me.
I'll let you down.
I promise.

I like short choppy sentances.
Deal with it.

I'm not gay.
I just like those colors.
And Rainbows.
I support gay marriage.
Fuck off, non-believers.

I like Pokemon
Mostly Pikachu.
Or any evolution of him.

Lets keep it this way.
Skem9.com!Layout made by LiViNGxTHExLUST
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