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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2006-04-25
Age: 38
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"It Can\'t Rain All The Time..."

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Hi and welcome to my little corner of the IMVU world. Although 90% of people currently reading this will probably be exiting my page around about......*looks at watch* now, the remaining 10% of you may wish to know some very basic details about myself in which to better prepare yourself for any possible future conversations. Not much to say about myself really. I live in Scotland. I love music, though my tastes are somewhat mixed. I enjoy reading (when I find the time) and going to the cinema (when I find the cash). I don't particularly like labelling. By labelling I mean that I do not slot people into subheadings of ''goth'' and ''emo'' etc due to the simple reason that the original concepts of most of these groupings have been torn apart and replaced with ridiculous stereotypical opinions. Discrimination is not acceptable in my opinion, be it in regards to skin tone, sexuality, religion, whichever. These, I believe, are the very very basic points which I reckon you will need to know, everything else you can discover if and when you decide to speak with me. =)
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