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Status: Online
Avatar since: 01/01/2007

Age: 40
United States - ID
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Relationship Status: Married
Hi There....So you want to know a little about me. Well, here it goes, My name is Stacie I'm from Riverton,Wyoming and moved to Idaho in 2000. I am married and have 4 beautiful little girls....BrieAhna (7), Shamay (6), Kaileigh (4) and Amaiah (2). I'm a stay at home mom who loves the time spending with my girls. Kids grow up way too fast so you got to enjoy them as much as you can while they are little. Recently we had a scare with our oldest daughter. Found out she had a brain tumor. She had to have surgery. She is doing wonderful and is her happy self again. She is in therapy and we go for checkups every 3 months. Her latest MRI showed she still has a bit of the tumor so we go back in October for another test and the doctor with decide if he wants to go ahead with another surgery. My daughter is so brave and wonderful. She knows what to expect and tells me everything will be ok. I love her so much she is my world.
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