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Status: Online
Avatar since: 10/03/2011

United Kingdom
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Don't speak to me unless you are worthy by MY standards
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
Os meus interesses
The name's Astoria Greengrass, a fourth year Slytherin and a Pureblood witch. I enjoy tormenting Potter and his friends as well as any mudblood and blood traitor. I am educated in spells beyond my year due to my family and friends, as well as due to being studious in my spare time. I am interested in the Dark Arts, becoming a dark wizard, and in becoming a Death Eater.

(Recruiting for a year six revist rp, message me if interested)

Recruiting for a hp rp message me if interested. For a little more info check out my group on the imvu website. Group is called Hogwarts Year Six Revisit RP. For a look into my character check out my profile on the imvu website. Only here 2 harry potter rp
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AstoriaPB não tem um alguém especial.

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Hogwarts Year Six Revisit RP

1 post de 3 membros

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