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I am Azrael, Angel of Death. Though I have many names, my wife, Klaudyah Angel, calls me Death. We were born at the same time. She was born from light and love, making her the angel of Love and Life. I was born from darkness, and shadows. We reside in Purgatory where we rule together as one. When the end comes, me and my 3 brothers will rise and Life on earth will be no more. After which Klaudyah and I will sleep for 1 million years. When she wakes again, new Life will be born and I will rise alongside her and rule once more.

My Love, w are proof that opposites attract. We will rule Purgatory forever together

I am Azrael, Angel of Death. Though I have many names, my wife, Klaudyah Angel, calls me Death. We were born at the same time. She was born from light and love, making her the angel of Love and Life. I was born from darkness, and shadows. We reside in Purgatory where we rule together as one. When the end comes, me and my 3 brothers will rise and Life on earth will be no more. After which Klaudyah and I will sleep for 1 million years. When she wakes again, new Life will be born and I will rise alongside her and rule once more.
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