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Basic Info
First Name: Sheniquia
Middle Name:
Birthday: Nov. 24
Birthplace: Bronx
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height & Weight: 5'7 & 129lbs
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Marital Status:
Children: No
Food: Soul Food
Color: Blue
Number: 8 & 24
Clothing Brand: Baby Phat
TV Show: Making the band 4
Season: Fall & Spring
Hobbies: Drawing & playing Games
Random Stuff
Your Bedtime: anytime
Career Goals: fashion designer or Computer
Last Time You Laughed: Today
Last Time You Cried: Yesterday
Last Person You Kissed: Terence
Is There Someone You Like? Terence
Does Anyone Like You? Dion, Jorge, Shane, and Tye
Ever Cheated on Someone? Once
Do You Want to Get Married? No
Do You Want Kids? Yes
Are You an Optimist or Pessimist?
Things In My Past I Regret: Yes. Watever happen in the past, stay in the past

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The Basics in your life
What's your favorite color? Blue
What's your favorite animal? Elephant
Who's your role model?
How many siblings do you have? None
How many people live in your house? 4
How many animals do you have None
Where do you live(trailor, mansion, regular house )? a Build
Who is your most valuable freind? Tanya
Which freind do you look up to the most? Dion
How many best freinds do/did you have? 2
How many freinds have moved out of your city? None
Would you rather have...
coke or sprite? Sprite
lunch or dinner? Dinner
a sister or brother? Sister
Mcdonalds or Burger King? Burger King
boyfreind or freind? Boyfriend
hug or kiss? Kiss
pinch or poke? Pinch
clown or doll? Doll

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Sobre Mim
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Status: Online
Avatar since: 31/08/2008

Age: 37
United States - NY
Last log on:

wat popping?
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
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friendly Amigos 31
visitors Visitantes 49
kharma Presentes 30
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-S- Anneⓜ Aztec Leggings2G3. Precious Nails[DB] Jaz[MT] Kalissa Bracelet R
Ɯ●Tom Ford Blonde♥| Say Ahh v2[MT] Tanella - Slim*W* Kati Topc:Regina Jacket!!!
Ã.Mirra TopSexy!Top2G3. ~CAVIAR~ Nails*W* Monica Top2G3. Mouse ... Jacket