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Avatar desde: 2006-11-05
Idade: 69
Estados Unidos - NC
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/ SEEK THE TRUTH, LISTEN SHHHH LEARN THE {PaThFiNdErS In YoU...}( For "I am Just One" >Bright Lights Path FinderSoft Smiles HINT HINT AAAAAAALL I MEAN AAALLLL of my writing text and photos, avatars take you into a new link, for your woundermous adventure as a brightlightspathfinders, as well as for example the me lady sitting on the dock of the bay has the black bird purched above on a post that goes with the story THE CALL OF... RON FRAGA AKA FROGGIE He said "maybe we are going into the forest and after we learn we will come out holding hands...Tus streets within my mind , Coming out of the Forest was born! "yep he said that was me and thus my creativity bust at the seams he is my inspiration! Enjoy (_lease CLICK ON THE IMAGES and ANY TYPING IN THIS WEB PAGE I HAVE SINGLE HANDLY PURPOSFULLY MADE A MESSAGE FOR YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON MY ELDEST SON ON THE !!TH OF FEBRUARY AS TO ME TOO! JOHN,KATHY,BARRY,SUSAN,DAVID,MARK,STACY,PAUL,JOHN S,JASON,ASHLEY,MATTHEW,JENNIFER,NATALIE,JOHNNY,CALLIE,DYSON,AND ALL 5 OF DAVIDS CHILDREN JENNIFER AND JOHNS KIDS AND NATALIE AND PAULS CHILD AND KIDS TO BE OH COLLIN LOOK AND JJJJJJJJULIE GIRLEY U SO GET IT DON'TCHA hugg hugg kiss kiss! Mama's Tassy Cathy NOW~!~ LISTENUP TUNEIN~!~touching MouseFully ESPECIALLY, THE "FEATHER" THANK YOU!) BUT BEFORE YOU DO, dot dot dot click this blue writing. grins. to get to your selves hit the pink cadieeee. nuthin but the berry best for your riding pleasures! SOme day I hope to Buy My Mama A Pink Cadalack...
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Posted By:Olde English

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