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Status: Online
Avatar since: 26/11/2009

United States - OK
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weird- adj. Meaning - of extraordinary character, having power to control ones fate or destiny.
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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!!Breath Black 2.2 M DRV狐 Black Bandage狐 Punk FitSF Multy Plugs FSF Chain Horns Anim M
SF Face Strap MSF Lip PiercingsSf Any Skin HeadSF Bad Boy SkinSF Black Eyes
SF Bad Boy EyebrowsSF Black NailsSF Big BoySF Septum PincerSF Nose Spike Piercing
SF Bridge PiercingSF 125% Feet ScalerSF 70% Hand ScalerSF 150% Avatar Scalerミ★ acubi ★彡
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My heart, my soul and my entire being cry out to me to hold you and to hold on to you. You are the best thing to happen to me in this life, in a very long time. I wouldn't want to go on, and couldn't bear it to not have you in my life in some form. I hang on your every word. I can't make you miss me, because I'm always so eager to see and speak to you. You complete me in every sense of the term. My heart is yours and nobody else's. For now until the end of time. And in every lifetime until then. I love you.
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