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Status: Online
Avatar since: 22/08/2006

Age: 41
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Stuck on dialup
My imvu chat client LAGS!!!!!!! invite me, but be ready to wait upwards to 7 minutes before you FINALLY get to read what I typed in the very beginning.

If you don't see me saying anything but my avatar is there in the room, just wait and BELIEVE ME, I'm THERE. So don't leave the chat just because I'm unresponsive. Believe me I'm responding, but the program is being a pain in the butt!

I never leave a chat without saying goodbye, so if you get an "avatar has left" message, it means the chat window crashed.

Contacting me in 3d:
I'm stuck in an area that only has dialup. My connection is at 26.4kbps. It makes my irritable. It makes me snappy. I wish it didn't affect me that negatively, but when my computer starts freezing with every download and all communication is hindered by lag, I get stressed. I get so stressed that I try to explain everything that I've written here below. And usually, that makes people feel like I'm lecturing them. But please understand that all I want to do is be able to chat with you peacefully and without lag. And the best way to avoid lag and freezing are written in the instructions below.

If you want to chat with me in 3d, please use the Bionic White Room. Please do not wear music/sound products, wings, animated tails, and pets.
Before inviting me to chat, make sure you're in the white room and have an avatar that's under 2,200kb.

Customizable rooms cause severe lag for me. Music/sound items slow down the download.

I'm also asking you to refrain from touching your inventory tab once you've invited me to chat. Changing rooms and items while other rooms and items are still loading on my side will only make the lag worse because the changed items must finish loading 'old' on top of 'new' (items load seperately for both users, from the imvu servers to both users individual computers).

DO NOT change rooms, items, or furniture once you've invited me.

Wait for me. It normally takes between 40 seconds to 4 minutes to load an avatar on my dialup. Sometimes, a chat connection takes a few minutes before the things I say so up on your screen. That's just lagging, and as long as you wait in the chat, eventually the lag ends and the things I type get to you in real time.

Who am I?:
I'm 24 years old, Canadian, and I'm an advocate for plus sized women in society. I feel we need representation and I'm proud to represent myself, as a woman of ample bust size working in a respectable domain, here on imvu.

I'm a developer on imvu and I develop clothing for full figured and busty women.

My website avatar has a larger than average bust. I chose that bust size to be part of my everyday appearance. Because I have very large breasts, I chose to represent myself digitally as having very large breasts. That's a part of me and I don't feel I should have to fake being a small-breasted skinny girl.

I haven't chosen this bust size for sexual reasons. I chose this bust size because it better represents my real self. I conduct myself respectably so don't be quick to judge me and my choices.

My products:
I was attacked a long time ago because of what I chose to make as products. So to better help people understand, I thought I'd make myself clear.

My Mission is to develop clothing for full figured women and large breasted women.

What I do is produce clothing for women of larger bust sizes. Women come in different shapes and some of us chose to differ from the usual skinny avatar shape that's become the norm on imvu. I make clothing options for women who don't fit into that norm.

Hugs and kisses from Dream <3

Contate me
Feel free to leave a message if you visit, I love reading them.
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Alguém Especial
DreamAndroid não tem um alguém especial.
IMPORTANT! Before you request a chat with me, remove any music items from your avatar and use the coffeeshop room.
Dialup is my only internet option: furniture, music, and animations kill my imvu and cause severe lag.
Minha Lista de Desejos
My shopping list
If you're looking for a good gift, there are plenty to choose from my wish list. A gift is a fast way to get me to accept a chat.
-CB-Candi-Aquamarine:KT: 03Skin-01CGG KIKIE BRown(PGP) LiteDenim MDL (BH)dS~ Pink&White Warmers
*Facial Expressions x12*[OKB]Moon Lake Park*AZ* Lying posesSatin Onyx WildPunk[F] Guitar playing
TTT Black Blush Nozomi!E! Brat Princesssw~bluejeansClose Eyesspacer
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