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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2008-04-09
Estados Unidos - Nova Iorque
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"Haven't been on in so long. (:"

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Music is my life <3 Stopped coming on here but you can always leave a message if anything.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
Minha Lista de Desejos
*SF*Cutie Mini Dress!CAPS hello kitty tank[tanktop] plain white[BD] ~Kawaii Tank~[K] Kawaii jap'shoes
[K] Blackdottedtop[K] Pink plaid skirt[K] Purpleplaidskirt[K] Kawaii grey boots =D[K] Blue kawaii boots
[M]Kawaii cami top n_n[M]Kawaii Top :3[M] "Love is Real" TOP[M] Jean Pink skirtspacer
Alguém Especial
Jessica! diz iz my cuzin in real life. she iz in college n she luvz talkin bout boyz. T_T" itz very annoyin sometimez but since i hav nuthin to do i just talk with her. dont mess with dis grl cuz she'll mess with u back. haha. luv ya cuz <3

Mommy! diz iz my mom. i luv her. shez funny and smart. she also taken so dont bother her u boyz. if u mess with her ill hurt u. XP luv u mom

Ashely! dis iz my sis. she very crazy n funny. she alwayz go crazy n she get me crazy 2. =P she iz coo-coo lol. jk. she iz not 4 sale btw cuz she belong to our family XD so if u hurt her feeling then i hurt urz back.luv ya sis

Katha! dis iz my auntie katha meaning she iz my mom sister. she used to be my sissy but that changed =(. well atleast she still in family XD. if anything happen to my auntie ill kill u.wuv u auntie

Karen! dis iz my sissy. shez funny and nice n da entertainment. she iz my sissy poo ^^ if she dropz a single tear or getz a single scratch imma bust u. luv u sissy

Sara! dis iz my stepsis. shez very cute funny n sometimez quiet o.o shez nice n fun to talk with. nobody dare make her sad or else >=/. lalala hehe ^^. wuv u sis.<3

Candii! dis iz my big sis. she iz very sweet lol. she funny n nice.she iz the biggest i think or second biggest. dont make her cry or i will make u cry 2.luv u candy =P

Channelle! dis iz another of me sis. she iz oldest or second oldest not really sure >_

Nicole!she my sista 2. she iz royalty so she a princess XP so respect royalty pplz. hehe. no touchin dis grl or else. <3 ya sis.

Alithza! here iz my sister.she iz funny n gud to hang out with. we roam around in public roomz.if anythin shall happen to her ill make u pay! luv u sis!^^
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