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Avatar desde: 2006-05-20
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"More Happy Then I Have Ever Been, I Love You Gorgeous!"

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Status:- Busy With Real Life, Happens When You Least Expect It :)

Favorite Quote:- When The Rich Wage War, It's The Poor Who Die...

A Little About Me:- I'm Engaged to the MOST Wonderful Woman I know, word's cannot even begin to describe how i feel about her, I will be with her for the rest of my life

Paladin's Payer

Kelemvor, Great Guide
I bow before your glory.
As the sun sets, I trust in your glory to light the night.
I offer my praise and thanks for the greatness that is your strength.
May your strength shelter me, as it shelters the dead.
May your glory light my path, so I will not lose my way.
Kelemvor, I turn to you, trusting in you to protect and guide me.
As the darkness comes, I lean on you.
Be my strength and light,
And I will ever trust in you.

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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Character name: Goosegamer (Goose)

Birth Name: Jarlian Desation

Race: Human / Divine

Home: Kelemvor Castle

Classification: Paladin / Divine Healer / Master Spell Caster

Fighting style: Melee / Swords / Magic Long Range

Weapon Preference: Bastard Sword

Powers: Divine Healing, Master of Fire and Water, Levitate, Glide, Undead Turning, Calm, Detect, Remove Curse, Holy Strength, Holy Light

Form: Human and Undead with the Use of Undead Turning

Natural look: Dark Black Hair, Dark eye’s almost the color of a drows but with dark grey around the Iris, Abnormally Pale skin for one who travels a lot during daylight

Height: 6 foot 2inches

Age: 26 Human Years, Although he has been in and out of dimension’s and realms where time stands still, so more than likely 32


I was born on the outskirts of Kelemvor Castle to my Mother and Father, Herthrow and Dathorine Desation, My father Herthrow being a well known Blacksmith to all who lived in Kelemvor Castle and on the outskirts, My Mother Dathorine made her mark by supplying and repairing some of the finest clothes known to anyone, My father had always told me great stories of Paladin Heroes who battled creatures of death and despair, bringing loyalty back to the People and restoring their faith once more, It was these stories that had ensued my faith and leaning At a young tender age of 12 I was sent into training with the mightiest of Paladin’s, Learning how to Master a sword and slowly develop what would now be called my Divine Powers, By the time I had reached the age of 18, I was put to the test to see if I was to join the Elite few who would call themselves Paladin’s , Having trained long and hard for many years I found myself head to head with one of my master’s, The battle raged on for hours each of us putting in everything we had, neither one of us ever faltering or backing down. After several hours the match was brought to a stop by the elder’s, announcing that I was truly fit to become a Paladin of the Eternal Order Of Kelemvor.

Over the next few years I was truly finding my grounding on what my power’s were to be, what was the best path for me to take in turns of my strength and abilities, I had been sent off to do small mediocre tasks, one’s that would almost not seem fit for a Paladin (In thy eye’s anyway) But I was well assured by my college’s and closest of friends that these tasks were not meaningless and pointless like I had once thought, Having trust and faith in those more knowledgeable than thy self I followed my duties and completed each task with the upmost respect and honor that my Order had entrusted me with. As what seems to be year’s that pass on by, I had finally started engaging in combat with the Undead, my first assignment was to seek out a band of the undead, trail them and discover their mean’s, of this I did and found that they had planned to rise up and take control of whatever human land they could get there hand’s upon, with this knowledge at hand I alerted the Order immediately, Just as soon as I had sent word as I had received it in turn, My Order’s where to banish the fowl creatures back to where they once had risen from and without a second thought of this I had done, Upon dispatching the last of their unit’s I had found a small cage in which they kept a strange sort of creature, one which was not commonly seen so openly, it appeared to be a small bright silver Dragon with bright blue eyes and what a feisty little fellow he was as well, he seemed to gleam at the fact that I had destroyed his captor’s and was rustling quite heavily to get out of his cage. With this I froze the large lock they had placed upon it and broke it off, very carefully opening the door; the small Dragon broke free and instantly took flight and disappeared out of sight.

Upon my travels back to the Order to report that my assignment was complete I happened to sense that I was being followed, not knowing by what mean’s this being or creature was I quickly ducked out of sight, after waiting for several minute I heard a scurrying noise getting closer to me, reaching slowly for the hilt of my sword wanting to keep the element of surprise, when the little Dragon appeared perched in front of me on a branch, “Bah, be away with Ye young Dragon, you are free to return home, I have slayed thine captor’s and freed thy bond’s!” Was my reply and the Dragon just sat there looking at me, With this I had stood up and before I knew it he was perched on my left shoulder, “Ye must be hungry, I gather thee not fed you much” Pulling a small piece of meat out of my side pouch that I was keeping for a snack later on and offering it to the small Dragon, within seconds he had pounced on it and devoured the meat and my finger’s also if they wert not clad in Elven armor. It had occurred to me suddenly, that perhaps this little Dragon had no home or family to call such, they could have been keeping him since he was a youngen, therefore I only found it proper to give the small one a name, walking back I had thought and thought, trying to think of a suitable name for him, didn’t want something to feminine yet nothing to strong either, knowing that people would just refer to him as that Dragon anyway, why not just call him a variant of such! “Nidhogg it is!”, I blurted out quite loudly, startling the small Dragon, with a sigh and a slight chuckle I had decided it best we make haste for the Order, they will be wanting a full report on everything that happened, with this thought in hand I made haste towards home.

Many year’s had passed and I had found myself to have fallen in love with one of the many that I have saved, She was an outcast Butterfly Princess taken captive by a high powered Necromancer, I had destroyed him in battle and saved her from his demonic wrong doings, Upon freeing her she had decided to travel by my side and thus my love for her grew with each passing day. The next thing I remember is we were to be wed and thus we were, It was our wedding night and the intimacy had risen to an uncontrollable level between the two of us, before I knew it she had sunken her teeth into the side of my neck, I let out a bone chilling scream! From within our chamber and several people had come to see what all the common was about, there I was laying on the bed with the look of death about me and my bride nowhere to be seen, they had rushed me post haste to the Elder’s who went to work on me without any word or question as to the means of my injury, they had summoned their deepest power’s to suppress the Vampire blood that I now had flowing through me and the transformation I was about to undertake, they had achieved what they set out to do. The day after the Ordeal I had awoken with quite a headache, it had seemed that I was dreaming but somehow wert all too real, running my hands down the side of my neck assured me it was no dream at all, with two little scars on the side of it, I had stood up and walked over to the Mirror to get a better look at them when I had nearly fallen backwards having seen my new hair eye’s and complexion, Instead of the Golden lock’s I had donned as a child I now had thick black hair and my eye’s had even changed, from their normal light blue hue they were now entirely pitch black with dark grey around the iris, My skin color had changed from the dark outdoor tan that I had to a very pale shade.

With this I had placed on my robe’s and headed directly for the Elder’s chamber’s, just as I was about to knock I had heard a bellowing “Enter!” Pushing open the door’s I entered with my usual respect towards those who were higher in knowledge and power, Upon reaching a short distance from their main table I had bowed gracefully, “You are quite lucky to be alive young Paladin” Said Resenthite, the oldest and wisest of them all “Indeed M’Lord” I had replied with a bow “I owe everything to all of you, saving my life, keeping me from transforming into one of the living Undead” “Bah!” Came the reply from Resenthite, “You would have done the same for any one of us had we been stuck in the same plight!” With that the other Elder’s started murr murring in agreement; bowing once more I would question them “Can you explain to me the nature of my hair skin and eyes?” Resenthite would wave for silence over the murr murring in the room “Ahhh you see young one, you were on the brink of turning into a Vampire, it would seem that the bride of your choice held more surprises then you had gathered, we had mustered every ounce of strength to keep you from turning and we achieved just that!, but it would seem that once your human feature’s had changed all of our power’s combined could not change it back!” With this I had thanked them once more and bowed again as I left the room and headed Out into the sun to ensure even to myself that I had taken on no more than a few vampire traits.

More to be added at a later date.

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