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Avatar desde: 2005-07-13
Age: 31
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"bored laa"

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the sun dont shine forevea but wif me and u together we can shine foreva ------------------------------------------------------------------------- yur arms r mah castle yur heart is my sky yur smile is my sunlight and yur everything i need 2 live Glitter Graphics, Myspace Graphics, Dress Up Games, Cartoon Dolls from Dolliecrave.com Love Quotes, Doll Quotes from Dollielove.com Anime and Cartoon Dolls from Dollielove.com Anime and Cartoon Dolls from Dollielove.com Anime and Cartoon Dolls from Dollielove.com Anime and Cartoon Dolls from Dollielove.com Anime and Cartoon Dolls from Dollielove.com Anime and Cartoon Dolls from Dollielove.com
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Guest_JenniferCrystallLe não tem um alguém especial.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ she likes you she loves you did you think that too ? if you didnt then your wrong ye she loves you but she aint strong she fell for you and lost her pride only with her friends by her side she was able to get through this confusing thing but she still has that thing for you she has given you everything from her life her love and also her heart too do you have anything to give her ? if not .. you should be be ashamed anything could occur as long she isnt blamed for the evil and bad and you should be taking it though its quite sad but it shows you love her and that is no bullshit . a lidoOl poem i made for sum resun ? Dress Up Games, Glitter Graphics, Cartoon Dolls, Myspace Graphics from dolliecrave.com Cute Glitter Graphics from Dollielove.com
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I see you, I smile non stop. When you hold my hand, My heart skips a beat. When you kiss me, I can't help but grin. When i layed on your chest, All i could think of is you and me together forever plss sum1 get meh sumn !!
Penthea EyesFrost Mint Eyes[Rikey] Blue CrushBlue Crush BraBaBe BootsMidnight Lace-Up Boots
[C.A.W.] Mint/SnowflakesBleach° Blue Crush/GloveBlue Crush BraBaBe DressBusty Bad Girl BundleBad Girl Hair Ten Pack
Simply White HeadBand[C.A.W.] Blue CrushShadow Riku -- AnimatedNarutoFlashs (anim)Naruto OAV (anim)
Final Fantasy is Lovepoupu fruit sharingspacerspacerspacer
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