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Avatar desde: 2006-07-26
Age: 34
United States - AZ
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What do the Naruto Characters think of you? by VenomousCherub
Favorit Color
Favorit Animal
Say Cheese!
Naruto imagined youworking for Orochimaru
Sasuke thinks you looklike you're nuts
Sakura hatesyou!!!
Kakashi wants*cough* .... XD
Orochimaru said you'regoing to be a sweet victim
Kabuto noticed thathot as hell
Itachi went insane afteryou painted his face in pretty colors
Gaara laughed whenItachi went insane
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Ninja Class Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
SexyHinata jacketnaruto-kakashi2Naruto UzumakiNaruto KittyNaruto Group Wave
AwsomeNaruto (anim)spacerspacerspacerspacer
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What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..

Shuriken! The weapons of the Samurais and the Ninjas for attacking from a far distance you need good eyes, intuitive feeling and accuracy for handeling this weapons! 3 words to describe you: Invisible, fast and deadly!
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Ninjas, fantasy, virgo, United States - AZ, drawing/sketching, graphic making, mischief making, several sorts of music, ROLE PLAYS
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What's Your Ninja Clan?

You belong to the Aburame clan. You control insects. You're very smart and close to nature. Name it and you know it. You're also a very good leader and tactician
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