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HearseBoy Membro VIP Clube
Avatar since: 21/09/2015

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AntiSocial" -”I got blood in my lean
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Other
Hey - Mr&MrsSummers -
-Born into the color of my skin I was destined to fail -A lifetime full of trials and tribulations hitting me like hail -Growing up in the hood, I would have never made it out alive -Just another nigga deprived, fighting to live and strive -The monster in me contained, waiting to be unleashed -Devouring the lies and feeding the beast -Just another nigga in a white mans world -Getting dirty looks because the color of my girl -Jobs turned down, interviews never given -I'm just a black man trying to make a living -In a world where color still matters and the only color is white -Proud to be black, from the country where life started so bright -In their eyes I'm just another nigger -Trying to make it to something bigger -My brown skin is what ignorant people consider a curse -I consider it a gift, glad I was this way since birth -I see the look in their eyes, the fear when I walk by on the street -They know I'm strong, and their weak, but they won't admit defeat -This is a white mans world, government, law, social living -Always taking from the people instead of giving -We're ghetto, we're loud, we're obnoxious,everything about us wrong -But we were a peaceful nation living good and growing strong -I'm just a nigga living in a white world and I see from the inside -Their true colors, the evil under their skin, makes me want to cry -A powerful people who has life easy, fed with a silver spoon -But us "niggas" learning and we'll have our day real soon -I'm just a nigga to everyone, I no longer care -I will have my justice if or if not its fair I'm just a N.I.G.G.A. what are you? Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished

My Beautiful Wife who i love.
I don't have friends, just people I happen to meet.
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My wife 1/5/14 Mr&MrsSummers
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Abigal Cargoʞ Grife ꓘarmaGothic Cross & Skull PanNu-metal ripped jeansmemento mori
𝒔. denim pants IIIAz. Love Hurt x Shirt[PL] BardO x JeansLeather PantsR║ Black Cargo Pants
[PL] Jeans x AstrO X金 Ripped Overall金 Ripped Baggy Jeanspants astroANTEIKU
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