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Keef Membro VIP Clube
Avatar since: 22/05/2005

United States - CA
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Sorry but I do not work for IMVU, please use the help system for staff issues.

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man
in his time
plays many parts"

Oh and no, I don't want to be the father of your cyber baby

Contate me
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Boxing Ring MESHBeach Hut EZ MESHLadys Fly Plaid, MossLadys Fly PlaidArena Stage MESH9 Button Soft Boots F
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I wish for...

Forum civility

"That's Stupid" to not be an allowed reasoning.

My IMVU Previewer to not be buggy.

24 more hours in a day for play.

Never to run out of chocolate.

A good film on TV tonight.

No cut and paste spam messages

Oh, and world peace.

Os meus interesses


Birthday: a long time ago
Birthplace: Northern California USA
Current Location: So California USA
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left handed
Your Heritage: Scott
Work or School? Work Work Work

Personality, Desires, Drives

Thoughts first waking up? *#@%$*
Your most overused phrase on an instant messenger? hmmmmm
Your weakness? Chocolate
Your fears? No Chocolate
Goal you would like to achieve this year? Same as always, learn new stuff!
Your most missed memory? If I missed it how would I remember it?
Do you swear? Rarely, so when I do look out I'm pissed!
Have you Been in Love? Yes
Do you believe in yourself? Most of the time
Do you want to go to College? Been there done that
What's your dream job? I love my Job now, Live Theater Tech
Do you get along with your parents? Absolutely
Ever been called a tease? Ohh Yeah
What do you despise the most? Rudeness
What can you not live without? Air, umm and chocolate
What do you look for in your friends? Humor, compassion, humor, skills I admire, humor, and umm humor.
Are you shy? Yep
Who do you turn to when you need to talk? I don't need to talk :P you can't make me!
Do you want children? Sometimes, then I go to a store and see wild kids and am cured.
Ever been beaten up? Yes
How do you want to Die? In my sleep a LONG time from now.


Do you think you are attractive? On my good days :D
Your best physical feature? umm Hair prolly, has Samson complex
The shoes you wore today? Dock Boots
What is your favorite color(s)? Purple, Red, Black
How would you describe yourself? Creative Introvert
What bed sheets do you like? Summer Cotton, Winter Flannel.
Your house is light and bright or dark and deep? Dark

Food, Physical and Health

Your Bedtime? 1am ish
Are you a health freak? In to fitness but eat junk.
Do you workout? Yes
Do you smoke? Nope
Hotbath or hot shower? Both
Do you Shower daily? Yes
Pepsi or coke? Baghhh DR PEPPER!!!!
MacDonalds or Burger King? Both Crap
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate!!!
In the past month have you eaten sushi? YES YES YES
Do you get motion sickness? Not really
Afraid of heights? Nope I'd have to change jobs.

Skills Hobbies Interests Fun

What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't want to grow up!
Do you like thunderstorms? LOVE
Do you sing? Only as a form of torture.
Do you dance? Yep
Do you play an instrument? No, I experiment but I wouldn't consider the sound music.
In the past month have you gone on a date? Yes
In the past month have you been dumped? No
In the past month have you gone to a mall? GOD NO
In the past month have you been on stage? LOL, every day hahahahaha
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping? Yep, shhh don't tell.
In the past month have you stolen anything? Do pens from work count?
What do you like to do in your spare time? Make stuff, Watch a great film.
What do you do to relax? Watch a film, Take a nap.
Do you have any pets? 2 Dogs and a BIG fish.
What country would you most like to visit? UK again, mainland Europe, New Zealand, Japan.

Chocolate, making stuff
Meus Badges
Coletar este Emblema Keefs IMVU
Coletar este Emblema Keef
Coletar este Emblema Tools of the Practice
Coletar este Emblema Pixel Pusher Community Member

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