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She is my bestfriend on her. We are so much alike it an't even funny. It's almost like we are sisters. I love her to death, and I hope I will get to meet her someday actually I know I will.

She is my niece and she's bitchin' yo. LOL. Nah I'm kidding. But she really is my niece and I love her a lot. She can be rude, but she's really one of the sweetest people in the world.
This is my niece's other account. She has two. Lauren, is so funny at times. She is soooooo random too! She's definitely one of a kind. <3
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Status: Online
Avatar since: 16/07/2008

United States - WA
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"With love comes hurt and despair"
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
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