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Names Laura, obveously. I am not good with this about me crap soo...
Here goes nothing really..... .
I blow candels November 17.
I recently brush black hair.I like to play with my hair alot i hardly die it but, i do change it alot :p
No pearcings other than normal ear percings and nose.
I will eventually get snake bites :)).
Iam very shy [quiett] at first; But get to know me and you cant shut me up,, I get outrageously bitchy and crazzy sometimes:)
I may be a very complacated person to get along with soo chances i will probobly not start a conversation
Life is pain;; you only live life once so you got to fuck it up rightt o.e>>
, im pretty awkward.
but i am a good friend to hang out with.
I might be the randomest person youll meet :))
Andd I dont take advantage of what pepole think of me ._____.
Pepole like that are just wannabees :\\
So yeah.
Thats pretty much it ^^
Yes, i do make avi. pics.
i dont think im very good at making them.
One normal avi pic.
100 Or present
I do not make baners .____.
exapmles are below ;]
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GIRDoll Face (No Smile) Sm[OKB]Fashionable  Ladys[7E] 100% Gloves$EB Teal Scenie
PineCrm Cat/Fox Eyes (F)spacerspacerspacerspacer

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