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Avatar desde: 2008-02-26
United States - VA
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"Be wary O seekers, Death is the inescapable conclusion to all tales..."

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Welcome , Mabinji is constantly a work in progress one day I'll get her right
...Below is Mabinji's Roleplay story...

~ Mabinji is a Noble Efreet hailing from the fabled City of Brass which forever floats upon the borders of the Plane of Elemental Fire and the Plane of Molten Skies. Said to be the treasury to all the races of genie, This is a place born of dreams of the very gods of creation. ~

~ Mabinji was born into the Bayt al-Bakr, or the House of the Firstborn. Of all the noble families in the City of Brass this is believed to be the most ancient and powerful. It is commonly held that they are descendants of the first races of genie, those who were created by the gods in the time before time. Despite being born into a powerful family Mabinji was given up as a gift to the Sultan of the Efreet upon her birth by her parents as proof of their allegiance. It was upon that act that she entered into the world of the Harem, in her younger years she was tutored in the arts of the court so that one day she would successfully step into a hostile world of his concubines. While the life was luxuries it was a cutthroat one, full of discontent and malice for whatever beautiful creature might be next to you. Growing up in such an environment caused Mabinji to thrive, her Efreeti nature began to lust for the next knife out for her neck and how to avoid it. Over time she worked her way to a position that no longer required her to give the services of her body, instead she was released from the Harem and given Management over it instead. ~

~ In Mabinji’s true form she stands close to 16 feet and weighs near 2,500 lbs. But having the power to shift into any humanoid form at will, she chooses to stay out of her true form when in places other then the Realm of her Sultan. Most of the time she will appear at a slender height of 5'8, generally when she appears at such height she is not wearing the skin of the efreet, in addition Mabinji possesses a rare blue color prized among her kind. She will appear to you as a blonde headed woman or an elf who's beauty is almost unmatched, though on rare occasions she will present as a red-head this only happens when there are underlying circumstances not boding well with her. A fierce fighter, Mabinji like many a Noble Efreet may be a bit more difficult to best then the lower caste of Efreet. Noble Efreet possess the ability to do much more then the average Efreeti. But their skills they keep closely guarded until the need be to call upon them. But like all Efreet Mabinji shares the same views that she and her kind are highly superior to any other race they might encounter. As a form of Genie there are ways to trick or muscle an Efreet into Servitude for the duration of 1,001 days or until you expend 3 wishes. Know that if by some amazing luck you manage to trap an Efreeti into servitude that they are not willing servants and will seek to pervert your wishes. Granted this information holds true in many cases, but there have been a few very rare instances in which an Efreet has willingly submitted. The cause is not known. ~

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((Please be patient with my mess, my page is under construction and is being changed slowly but surely.))
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