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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2006-06-09
Age: 36
Estados Unidos - Nova Iorque
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All background images were made personally by myself in Photoshop. I do requests, but you must be specific in submissions. There is a forum I help run and I have decided to host my little service there. The link is: http://malevolentgfx.vlexo.net/ Hope to see you there!! Affiliate: MGFXAffiliate.gif I m currently part of an expansive RP site known as the Legion of Shadows! This is a great, economical, and widely community based RP that allows all characters of ALL shapes, races, genders, sizes, and personalities. If you wish to join with your character, then please leave a message with questions OR you can simply go to: http://s1.zetaboards.com/LegionofShadows/index/ and post your character for admin approval! JOIN THE LEGION! Affiliate: Legion of Shadows

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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All avatar pictures that show unwanted content, although great to look at are not my responsibility and therefore i will not take blame for a buddy, cool new people, or visitor's vulgar pictures, if you want to complain for whatever reason then you complain to the owner of the image. Thank you.What Chrono Crusade Character Are You?
What Chrono Crusade Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeWhat Hellsing Character Are You?
What Hellsing Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeWhat Ninja Technique Fits You Best?
What Ninja Technique Fits You Best?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeWhat Naruto Guy Are You?
What Naruto Guy Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeWhat Are Your Last Words Before GAME OVER?
What Are Your Last Words Before GAME OVER?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeWhat Popular Video Game Genre Are You?
What Popular Video Game Genre Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeRPG Stereotypes: Who Needs Em? YOU DO!
RPG Stereotypes: Who Needs Em? YOU DO!
Hosted By theOtaku.com: AnimeWhat Race Are You?
What Race Are You?
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Awesomeness Buddy!!
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All avatar pictures that show unwanted content, although great to look at are not my responsibility and therefore i will not take blame for a buddy, cool new people, or visitor's vulgar pictures, if you want to complain for whatever reason then you complain to the owner of the image. Thank you.
Minha Lista de Desejos
Demon Eyes ( M )Black Red Vampire Eyes M.S Vanquish; Eyes[R] Tribal PrincessInteractive Screenshot R
Ecto Slimshades(V) Passion Liv Setarrow in neckInvisi spot 5 pm99[DC] Hold Me Forever
*GI* B/W Massage ChairGA Bloody ArmourPassionCouch-Black-PoseT3 Romance Showerbannana hat /hair

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