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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2006-04-16
Age: 33
Estados Unidos
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"Hi there :D"

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Heya! This be mah Page :3 I'll love you forever if you get me something off my wishlist ;) Leave a Message! I Love them :3 Anyways, hope you like my page! Peace, Kathy
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Os meus interesses
Be Random .. Be Unique .. Take this Survey
Okay .. go !!
So .. whats your name? (lets get this over with):kathy
How many pairs of socks do you own?:hundreds ^^
How many have you lost to the Evil Washing Machine?:dozens >.<
Where do you go on half days?:home....?
What do you do?:computer ^^'
Have you ever taken a picture in a photo booth at the mall?:nope
How did it come out?:i wouldn't know
I take them all the time. They always come out crappy.:wow.
On a scale of 1-5 .. how do you rate ..
cheese:5 DUH! its CHEESE ^-^
feather boas:3
digital cameras:5
people bee-beeping on nextels:huh?
watching oprah:1
monkeys in superman suits:3
In the future .. do you plan on ..
comitting suicide?:no
eating an artichoke?:ew. no
telling someone you love them?:yes <3
getting a pedicure?:sure......?
cussing someone out?:if they are being assholes
voting for a republican?:i dunno
murdering someone?:no
watching Spongebob Squarepants?:maybe....... lol
I say jump ..
you say .. ?:how high
I say foot odor ..
you say..?:evil squirrel
I say MOO..
you say ..?:QUACK
aiight. enough.
Have you ever .. ?
Eaten chlorine?:on accident, yes
Seen someone die?:no
Thrown a pen at someone?:yes
Made yourself say "NO I HATE PIZZA"?:-GASP- unthinkable!!! lol jk
Watched an Indie Film?:a wha?!
Chased a squirrel?:yea
Beaten someone up?:nope
olives make you thoughtful?:no....
ugly people make you laugh?:yes ^^"
water bottles jump for joy in your presence?:no..........
you enjoy randomosity?:YESH ^-^
brand names make you angry?:no
they make me more than angry. so hows life?
is it fun?:yes
is it nervewracking?:sometimes
is it annoying?:sometimes
is it a blast?:yes
is it a mixture of all of the above?:YES
describe ..
your fingernails:long and strong
your ideas about abortion:its a choice the mother should be able to make
your desk:brown and wooden...?
your lawn:green
doorknobs in general:SHINY 0.0
Do you enjoy ..
hunting?:never been
painting your toes?:kinda
surfing?:never been
searching the web aimlessly?:nopey-dope
walkathons?:not really........
The Rolling Stones?:not really.....
making others mad?:yes
reality tv?:yes
So .. what'dja think?
was it everything you wanted from a survey and then some?:NOPE ^-^
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
Libra, United States - NY
Minha Lista de Desejos
chi dark blondeB&W striped Fingerless G~M~ Chalk/BleakDainty Bare FeetKaida Eyes
Mutli Riku (2)~M~ 010 Bleak~M~ 010 Drip. Vamp.spacerspacer
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friendly Amigos 3
visitors Visitantes 155
kharma Presentes 9
generosity Generosidade 2


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