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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-02-23
Age: 35
United States - CA
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"Life happens, it\'s the choices you make that matter..."

Veja meus Álbuns (1)

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
Meus Amigos (11)

See these people? Yeah, these people right here. Well, they totally rock, so go check them out! And the top few people on this list, they are insanely cool, and the regular type of insane as well, so don't say I didn't warn you... *evil smile*
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Teenage Christians

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Stagecoach Island

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Minha Lista de Desejos

I wouldn't call it a wishlist, more like a book mark or place holder. Like those sticky notes or a dog ear on a book. However... =)

RLove CowGirl Bad GlovesRLove CowGirl Ugly GloveRLove CowGirl Ugly Top2RLove CowGirl Ugly Btm4spacer
Minha sala

This is the first room I ever got and put stuff in, so I consider it my main room. Tis pretty sweet. =)
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