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Status: Online
Avatar since: 19/11/2007

United States - CA
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Tsk, Whoever knew that I would end up like this.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
Its kewl knowing, that theres one person who i can trust. I have trust problems, you do to. Onii-chan you never did anything bad wrong to me, i consider you as the true friend i have left. It's good knowing that i got to know you, knowing that i have a person to go to when im mad or pissed. just to know that im not bothered by those facts, Onii-chan ilyah :D xD Our song, the Gazzete

Bestie:D How can i explain you, Your a awesome listener, the bestest best fran a person could have. and im glad i have a best fran like you. :] Whenever your mad, sad, happy, or just a feeling you`ve nevur experianced xD Ill be there. :D

NICKEH! :D Im so sorry i nevur listened to you in the first place.. when you saw the right thing. Maybe i was the idiot thinking my love would last forevur. Nick you always look out for your besties. :D Hot ass bastard. D: You rock. xD You even taught me how to say your mom in danish. :D Someday, were all gunna be presidents! ;D Love you<3 bestie for evur and evur
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