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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2005-10-27
Age: 36
Estados Unidos
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"Hi there :D"

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Welcome to my nice homepage =3. I hope you enjoy your visit. ============================================ If you want to know more about me look below :D. ============================================ Pros: ============================================ I'm a pretty awesome once you know what I'm capable of, I love to write my own music and make art, I drew my bg Image as it's my favorite sword. I also love to make games, Yeah for the classic Genesis console I can make games. I also love to train with swords and any kind of weapon I can get my hands on like Keyblades, I own quite a few IRL. It's always good to have friends visit once in awhile so if ou're a really good friend you're welcome to visit me ;D. I take music requests for classic game music and choice of Style. Speaking of which I'll make a song for this page =D. ============================================ Cons: ============================================ There's only one bad thing I have, and Thats my heart condition, Surgery has failed as many times as I had gotten it so I am stuck with it and it limits what I'm able to do during physical activity which really hurts me, I'm living life the best I can, so that stress won't kill me. If you guys want to help me out contact me directly with one of the messengers below. I'm welcome for others to help me as I'm always willing to help them. ============================================ Direct Contact Methods. ============================================ AIM: Iixion Xeon ============================================ MSN: IixionXeon@hotmail.com ============================================
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
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Prank Maze The actual maze used in previous link ``How to get your step son to hate you``. Use on your friends!
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