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Avatar since: 09/02/2008

Age: 30  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - OH
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RoxasUchiha não tem um alguém especial.

My twin brother Jushi Only I call him Jushi other people call him Jushiro or Ju best bro a person could ever have to XD but yush he is mi bro, and were the shiro twins till the end ^_^
My sensei Uryu, such an awesome sensei, hes like a father to me, he taught me all I know, helped me to become a better person in real and on IMVU I will never ever forget my sensei :) Hes a member of division 0, and one of the best people out there to help on imvu =D
My long lost son, never even knew about him until his friend kitty told me, Hes a good son loves to do his research ^^ Hes a member of 6th division in SSU(Soul society united) and an awesome son :P
This guy, is my other sensei, he taught me along with Uryu, hes like a brother to me, loves to fight hes a member of division 0 in SSU and an awesome friend. This guy is also, the true kenpachi XD
Es, another bro of mine :P Yes I have alot of family I know =P hes Shunsui Kyoraku(sp) from bleach and hes a member of division 0 in SSU
Kuni :3 shes an awesome friend, good to hang around with and talk to :P Old captain of 8th division in SSU now the lt of 8th since she gave her old captain his seat back ^^ Shes very nice, caring kind and sweet so don't mess with her in any mean way, she can fight, but she doesnt like to unless needed =)
Hmm, sasori, what can I say about him? I've known him since I've started imvu =D he was one of my first buddies on here, we both live in Ohio not far from each other :P this guy is an awesome friend :D

Well, that's all my friends and family that I can put up here for now :D if I forgot any main important people from SSU or other good friends, I am sorry I'll try to put ya up as soon as I can ^_^
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