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Hey there! Thanks for passing by, I'm Ducky and .. err.. this is my homepage!

I'm a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater!!

Err... maybe not! I'm a hyperactive, marmite kinda gal with an insatiable appetite for all things yummy! I'm ... me? Yes, that's definitely right. I'm me, and that's certifiable. One cannot doubt the verity of the statement that I am indeed me, as of course I am. Indubitably.

I'm also clearly bored and typing a load of twaddle into a box. They ask you to explain yourself, but the task is far more demanding than I think even they realise. Maybe they do realise and they are infact sadistic and enjoy watching people such as ourselves wind our minds into strange contortions trying to define our own personalities from the outside-in. Who are they anyway? Ahh, now that is the question. Maybe we should ask them!

As you can see I think far too much with far too little brain to think with. I'm a "bright", chatty, happy little squirrel with a somewhat impulsive streak. I'd like to say I was spontaneous but I worry far too much, it's probably more impulse.

I'm very arty and creative and I love to make everything pretty.. in a messy sort of way. My room, my desk and my life are a hideous jumble of disorganised thoughts, processes and accumulations, with I-O-U's and will-do-later's attached and intermingled in a hopeless promise to nobody in particular to better myself ... one day.

I have aspergers syndrome (to which I attribute my distinct odd-ness) and ADHD and OCD. I'm a mixed up mumble of tags and addresses! I'm definitely loving, and never short of compassion and time for my friends and special-ones.

Did that make any sense? I hope so! 'Cause I ain't tryin' again!

Favourite words: Smeep, yay, Shpleh, lol, anything that ends in -ages/-age/-ism

A few things I'd like to add:

# My webcam is broken, but if it worked, I'm far too untrusting to pose on it for you anyway. Nor will I show you pictures, no matter how much you beg. You don't want to see me anyway, trust me.

# I won't cyber, talk dirty or force my poor abused avatar to make out with yours. I make her wear wings, pointy ears and poofy dresses. I think she takes enough punishment.

# I'm not single, and If I were to become single, I'd be far too emotionally ruined to divert my attentions to you. So give up trying. Don't shame yourself by being so desperate to resort to "dating" someone you've never met nor seen and probably never will.

# Both above statements considered, IMVU is strictly animated online socialising. My avatar is not hot, she's a cartoon. If you're into that sort of thing, download yourself some Hentai, it'll do the job better. Or draw yourself a stick figure with boobs.

# The dictionary definition of "bisexual" is "a person who is attracted to both men and women" not "attracted to everyone on the face of the planet". Do not assume that I want you, just because you (or just your avatar, in which case, see previous statement.) have boobs. I can live perfectly happily without having my poor avatar abused yet again by yours shoving its tongue down her throat. It bothers me when you try, so don't.

# Finally, this list was composed whilst I was suffering the wrath of PMT. I'm not always this horrid, honest!

It's the job that's never started that takes the longest to finish - JRR Tolkien

There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened -
Douglas Adams

In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this -
Terry Pratchett

May the wombat of happiness snuffle through your underbrush - Aborigine blessing

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Antique ShortDress Brown[P] Teleshop Poses~6[G]Round Palace 2 StoryDance Moves 4 (f)Yumi Lulu-syle stockings
Yumi MilkEnhanced-FleursDP-Desire Rock StockingsSD 5 Cool Pack 1Pizza BoxKLF Spider's Web
Jumpin On The BedThorny Devil SkirtYumi MilkEnhanced - Blus!L- Goth posesSD So Dazed Poses
RLove Sexy Navy Shoes2[D™ DullTimes Backpack FRC Spring NymphLava Pitspacer
Sobre Mim
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Status: Online
Avatar since: 18/07/2006

Age: 37
United Kingdom
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This way up. No hooks.
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship

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Join me in my Sundrenched Island Getaway!

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