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Welcome To Julian's Homepage

Braydee's Note:

♛I'm The Prince of the Beehive♛

Hello Guys! Update on My Life! Hi! My Name is Braydee! Nice to meet you person behind the screen! I love Taylor swift and Melanie Martinez, I love cartoons and I love my Friends and Family! That's all for today. Logged on 12/29/17 10:38. Logged off 12/29/17 10:50

Ps: Click the play button down below to hear some amazing jams! ヅ

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Minha Lista de Desejos
✔ Pretty Boy AnySkin♛ Baggy Jacket Grysh.♛ Baggy Jeans Grysh.♛ CalmAngels Kicks.✔ Dylan Skin T3
視線. Soul Forest.髪. Ian Grimes.[Ry] Arve Boots brn. LOUIE ASH BROWN. FELIC ASH BROWN
P. Vampire Fangs[💋] 30+ ExpressionsD Red Eyes Male視線. Soul Garden.✔ Yale M/H
✔ Soft Brow. RAYMOND ASHBROWN# K-School PantsNatural eyebrows BLK V2.皮膚. Yagami T4.

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