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Status: Online
Avatar since: 25/01/2008

Age: 35
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Sit and have sum tea with me...Your about to become a strange smell in the attic x3 teehee
Looking For: Friendship
[[[[[reading and deleting, in the process of replying to a year worth of msgs O_O , so 2008 messages come first ^^;; no worries I'll eventually get to you all in time ^_^]]]]]...................................................................... hey LADIES GENTS & ALIENS Sorry been real busy lately due to the fact I'm living tha luxurious life of a starving artist :P I'm an Animation student so I dont have much time to play around here anymore, Im too busy animating and making artsy fartsy things, hopefully I'll become famous, Buy my Films in the future! XD lolz, but I'll try logging on when I can ^^ I love taking homework breaks >=3 hehe....''short'' breaks of course ^.~ Oh and read below -----> ..........................................OK WEll I'M NOT ENTIRELY BACK ON IMVU, BUT I DO HAVE A HELL OF A LOT OF MSGS TO REPLY BACK TO, O____O LIKE 1 YEAR WORTH OF MSGS =S SO APOLOGIES FOR MY REALLY REALLY LATE REPLIES ^___^ NO WORRIES I DIDN'T FORGET YU ALL ^__~ SO JUST BEAR WITH ME AND I HOPE YU ALL REMEMBERED WHAT YU MSG'D ME A GAJILLION DAYS AGO ^__^ ---[[Apologies for the CAPS.... just wanted to get the note across]]--- :P HEHE.......ok time to catch up ^_~_______________________XoX ~*~*~*~*~*!!!!(((Hey Darlings, I'm taking a little break on IMVU because of schooling and what not, I'm starting a new page in my life with this college thing :P hehe So I gotta put a hold on my cyber life for now. I don't know how long I'll be gone on this break, maybe a day, a week, a month, haha it all depends on how bad reality wants me >:3 I'll visit my hp when I can, but I guess you guys can't follow me to the rooms anymore ^.^ hehe Woo hoo partyhard without me luvs ^_~ haha I need a break from the molesting O_o Tata I'll miss yaz for however long I'm leaving for >:P But msg me if ya miss me that much XP)))!!!!!~*~*~*~*~ _________________________Boo! I'm Tisha o^____^o... Anything else to know? hmmm...umm....not really... LoL jk jk!!, duh of course there's a lot more fool! xP Wanna get to kno me Eh? Invite me if ya like...but that usually crashes me.... yeaa i know, ImVu is flaw'd.. =_=;' ... so then find me in tha rooms ^_^ I'm quite tha room hopper, soo catch mee if yu can !! XD =P ^_~ Also, one more thing...... NORMAL People SCARE me.....Yesh, I'm wierd I know haha, but yea... Tis who I am =P If yur insane...hehe we're gonna get along jistt fine ^_~

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Photobucket Gifts are appreciated ^_^ but it's best yu save yur credz, don't waste em on me ^__^ Unless yur supa rich and have a million credz to burn Lol =P
White MirrorcleWhite CaeliaWhite Lina(v) BOY/GIRLWhite Edelis boy/girlSailor Lolita Black Hat
X-ed Eyes White[C.A.C] Cherry Violette!PH! Aphra Blackdimond cat eyes [FL]TIR&PunkBra
TIR&Super Mix-IITIR&Stocking+bootsTIR&Cap*hair*glass-FTIR&PunkbottomTIR&Super Mix-DER
*D™ Extinction Outfit*D™ Rocker Bowa White*D™ I SEE Bats M/F*D™ Mickey Ears M/F*D™ I SEE RAINBOWS M/F
Alguém Especial
Tishalia não tem um alguém especial.

This is my lil Demon =P such a cold-blooded creture, I always need 2 warm him way or another ^_~ I even cut out my own heart for him and stitched it in his gaping hole, for Demons have none ;P How am I alive? hmm well my heart is in the claws of a killer demon...o.O! Anywayz I think I'm in safe hands hehe (o^_^o) *giggles*
is a demogod(hehe he hates it when i say that) "demongod" sorry pfft XP alll of you mere mortals bow before his mightiness! pffft haha mightiness =P Ah haha what kind of god is sooo easy to steal noses from hehe >:3 Ooh it's too fun to tease him. And yes, we like to bicker but I still wuv him :3 He is my firstest buddy and we've been close sine then =)
He is my best friend! We can talk about everything and anything =3 I can be real and just "Tisha" with him. He can catch on to any mood or role I'm in that day. Me and him are always running from the fans XD haha good thing he's a fast runner XD and me even faster yet, with my heels >=] XP Ya ya he's a pretty boy, I know. I am now proud to say I am now immune to his HP lmao the fan girl squealing does not rise out of me anymore XD.. o.O'' ... XP! And you other girls!-Keep ya panties on! XP geeez... and stop drooling on his picture x3 ..gawd, girls these days =.= (shakes head)
This is my little brother!..<_ brother="" i="" meant="" v="" he="" teases="" me="" to="" death=".=" good="" thing="" an="" immortal="" angel="">=D grrr... always pulling my skirts down, snapping my bra straps, and spying on meh while I change! D:> Grr I'm gonna Keeeel yoooou Brother! He can't be seen in the Heavenly realm since he got kicked out/ran away. Sooo yeaaa he's basically a fallen angel now on the dark side...the dark side has cookies O.O...But I shall Not BE TempTED!!! =( But I see him when I can ^.^ secretly of course ^^''....even tho he secretly stops by whenever he wants without me noticing..<_ you="" little="" peeper="">:[Arrggg!
Heavenly <3
She ish mah Sister!!!!! I luvv her to death (hehe death^^) we share a cloud together. She is the more, hmm,, how do you say.."naughtier" one, but we are still angels ^_^'' She just has darker tastes :P and not to mention her chain & whip fettish, and other paraphenellia XD yeaaa I peeked under her bed XD hehe =3 She's not here anymore.. She has moved off the cloud and started a new life with her bf. *sigh* it's lonely sleeping by myself..:( but I got all me plushies around me ^^ and Killer has some fun little sleepover too sometimes ^.~ te hee *halo glowing*
Ayuuu! He's me and Heaven's maid. tee hee x3. Yes he gets down'n'dirty o.O''..... Cleaning up out cloud of course! XD and there is dress code too of course^^ Ayu is super adorable in his kinky maid outfits ^^ Me and heaven buy them for him XDSeriously, he looks sooo cute in his little dress and skirts XD Yes he has lots to do cleaning the rooms and laundry, gawd he's got a lot of panties to wash x3 I'm sure he doesn't mind the workload. Do you Ayu? (Heaven- *flexes whip* hehe >=]).....(Ayu- O_o''eep)
This is my human! He is my job ^^. I am his guardian angel and I will protect him with my life ( good thing I can't die ^^'') Bullies and the lag monsters like to chase and pick on him, but no worries darling I'm here to save ya! ^_^ *does a corny superhero pose* =.= I'm attached to him, wierd since I usually find humans a stinky corrupted race =P But not this one ^.^ He's a sweety and good boi, Makes my guarding job all that much easier ^_~
My darling Daughter =3 She is my firstborn,but I wont let this whole mommy thing get too much to my head hehe I'll try not to spoil her too much XP She's Half angel like her mommy x3, and half demon like her daddy x3...sumtimes I wonder if she's 2 thirds daddy XD jk jk She's such an angel lol =P Always trying her to best to please momma, she's a darling, and she's starting to grow up already Y.Y boys of all creatures are already chasing after her.... D: my babay *pouts*....HAH! Bring them on! Let me bring judgement on those who think themselves worthy!!*Scowls* *flings around Chain of repentance* My daughter deserves nothing but the BEST!! >=D wAhahahaha WAH HAHAHAHA!..o.O.. *ahem* well now dearie, shall you introduce me to this new darling boy of yours o^_^o *tilts head to side and smiles angeliclly*

Minha sala
Ya.... I know I got long hair, haha. My goal in Life is to have WORLD DOMINATION and Fly around in my supa fly Pink Blimp around tha world and Cover tha world in Hair Growth Serum!! Wahaha We shall live in a World of modern day Rapunzels! Muauhahahahhehe ha ..ha... Ya... no more of this short choppy hair cut nonsense! Everyone grow out that hair !!! =P Yess... a beautiful vision I have *chuckles to self* He he Tis my ultimate fairytale ^_^ *(tears up )* Yeesh... somebody needs to get a haircut eh? XD .. =_=;* ..but i need my hair for balance .....o.O hehe it's tru :3 .....anywayz...ya.. WORLd Domination Shall Beez Mine!!! WahahahaaHAHAHAhahahhehe HEE TEE heee HA HA Mua HA ....*(coughs, hacks, and collapses )* Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucket
My Recent Visitors (0)
Ooo, yu visited my page... therefore pay the consequences and leave a msg, Don'cha know it's rude to stare and not say anything =P tee hee So don't be a stranger ( even tho yu all really are strangers... o.O) and say sumthin ^.~ .... or yu can just sit there and gawk...I'll brand yu as a stalker =P ...I kid, I kid..^_^'' Aww if yur shy, it's ok ^__^ I am quite scary ^_~hehe smallerPhotobucketPhotobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucket
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Vampire Thirty Minutes in Heaven(Girls only)
You got Jayson.You put your hand inside the black bag and pulled out a necklace with a bat. You hold it up and asked, "Who does this belong to?" A tall beautiful vampire with long black hair and piercing blue eyes stands up. You look at him with wide eyes. He comes towards you and gives you his hand. "My lady?" he says and you take it. He slowly walks you to the closet and locks the door behind you. I call out that you have thirty minutes. You walk to the corner and sit down. You didn't want to play this game anyway. Especially with vampires. You hear a noise at the other end of the closet and call out. "Hello." You felt something touch you and you pulled away. "I'm sorry. I know you dont want to play this game. Neither do I. But.....but I think you're beautiful." You felt him place his cold icy lips on yours. You wanted to pull away but stopped yourself and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around his waste and you snaked your around his neck. He licked your bottom lip and you grant entrance. He explored you mouth and you his. You felt his sharp fangs with the tip of your tongue. His hands slowly slid up and down your side, then up your shirt. You pulled it off for him. Just as you were about to pull his off, light flooded the room. You two broke apart. He led you out and you sat you down on his lap. You looked in his blue and said. "I dont even know youre name." "Jayson. Youre ___________." "Well, Jayson, can you make me yours forever." He nodded and leaned into your neck and drank your blood. From that night forward, you were his vampiress and you lived a long wonderful life of darkness. Message me if you want and rate, plz. Thanks
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Contate me
Birthday:Nov 15...ugh hate late birthdays =.=
Current Location:Canada
Eye Color:boring dark brown, I wish they were silver! Dx
Hair Color:long rapunzel black
Height:10 feet :D!
Right Handed or Left Handed:righty
Your Heritage:Mixied, Im a Caucasianasian XD
The Shoes You Wore Today:4-inch pointy suede black boots
Your Weakness:skittles, starbursts, pretty shiny o^_^o
Your Fears:objects close to the eye, doctors, being forgotten, sleep
Your Perfect Pizza:lotsa cheese, pepperoni, and big big shrooms ^.^ and twisted garlic stuffed crust
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:catch as many good memories before the next year
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:=_=;; lovely....
Thoughts First Waking Up:if i even sleep XD... but when i actually do it usually is "Wah!? where am I" XD
Your Best Physical Feature:umm... hair? :/
Your Bedtime:I blink... that's enough rest for me O_O.. X_X
Your Most Missed Memory:back in the day.. before everything and everyone changed...
Pepsi or Coke:pepsi.... well they're pretty much the same either way, but pepsi can looks better ^.^
MacDonalds or Burger King:Burger King, it's got more spice and bite to it :D
Single or Group Dates:better group than single where yur left defenseless... O_o
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:I dont like my tea cold ~_~ Steamin hot is where its at X3
Chocolate or Vanilla:d-did sumone say chocolate... <_>
Cappuccino or Coffee:I like my coffee, hell my blood is caffeine XD
Do you Smoke:smoke wat?
Do you Swear:I curse like a sailor XD well... depends wat mood you catch me in ^.~
Do you Sing:ummm I'd prefer to preserve the hearing of my loved ones O_o;;
Do you Shower Daily:only when it rains which could be like twice a month here >;3
Have you Been in Love:love.....that is a big word ^^;;
Do you want to go to College:I already do attend :/
Do you want to get Married:you mean commitment? as in a significant other chained to me and my crazy antics for eternity? O_O;;
Do you belive in yourself:I belive I can achieve a lot, but also fall hard :/
Do you get Motion Sickness:Lol oh hells no. I love it, strap me to a rollercoaster or a car flipping over a cliff any day :D & I love the TeaCUPs
Do you think you are Attractive:Im no narcissist >.
Are you a Health Freak:definately not...I eat myself heartattacks all the time :/
Do you get along with your Parents:depends..
Do you like Thunderstorms:yesss :D I run outside in the rain on my trampoline when a storms'a comin >=]
Do you play an Instrument:piano <3 haha typical asian
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:yup, my liver should be quitting on me any day now xD
In the past month have you Smoked:yes, but im not a smoker... smoking is bad kids
In the past month have you been on Drugs:yes.... the drug of Life XD
In the past month have you gone on a Date:yup....pigheaded douchebags =_=;;
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:of course ^.^
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:Lawl yes, and with peanubutter and milk ^.^
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:nope
In the past month have you been on Stage:nope....does in my head count? O.o I have my own lil shows there =^.^=
In the past month have you been Dumped:pffft I do the dumping >;3
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:hmm... maybe :/ cant remember
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:stealing friends' candies when they not looking.. D3
Ever been Drunk:*look at above question*
Ever been called a Tease:yup
Ever been Beaten up:mm dont think so, other than sibling squalls...
Ever Shoplifted:nope
How do you want to Die:either go out with a bang, or quietly with loved ones around and drift into eternal slumber
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Game or Animation Film concept artist/designer or do mainly Character Design
What country would you most like to Visit:I want to see the world :) Every country actually ^^
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:grey
Favourite Hair Color:black, white/blonde, or something colourfully interesting
Short or Long Hair:long edgy hair, I dont like really short hair :/ but it does work well for some :)
Height:tall, they gotta be taller than me since Im 10 feet XP
Weight:healthy weight
Best Clothing Style:emo or punk or goth, or visual kei o^.^o EEEeeeEEe! I do prefer if they have their own thing going on,.. you know? originality x3
Number of Drugs I have taken:..
Number of CDs I own:I download everything
Number of Piercings:I want many :O
Number of Tattoos:none yet, still working on designs for me and friends V_V
Number of things in my Past I Regret:a lot... but it's best to not think back and to always look ahead :)

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