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Status: Online
Avatar since: 29/05/2006

Age: 32
United States - CA
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Emenem wanna be =D
Hey, welcome to my site. If you've noticed im not longer a Guest_ so yay. I am also gonna be desighning some stuff. So, hope you like my site, if u wanna know what im deisghning just ask me.
Contate me
Im adding alot of interactive things here, so have fun :)
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Treva703 não tem um alguém especial.
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Treva703 doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Confira os grupos IMVU! compartilhar interesses, realizações, conselhos, fofocas, histórias, qualquer coisa, tudo!
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Meus Amigos (2)
My great Buddies, if u wanna be one just have a chat wit me :)
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Thx visitors, and u can thank me for seeing this ausome page :)
Minha Lista de Desejos
My Wish List! feel free to get me stuff thats here, lol
Digital Demon Shades(ANINeon BlueBlk BowserBlack & Teal Riku V2 (M)Neoboi Black & BlueKrono Sports Watch
Rai™ Blazer BluepantsAmun-Ra Shing Blade Leftspacerspacer
Minhas Classificações
Ah, my ranks, HELP ME GET EM HIGHER! lol, thx for everyone for helping!
friendly Amigos 2
visitors Visitantes 130
kharma Presentes 5
generosity Generosidade 0

Pessoas novas populares
well...theyre kinda cool

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