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Meus Badges
Coletar este Emblema Crow
Coletar este Emblema Toto
Coletar este Emblema Bunny Stuffed
Coletar este Emblema Catpuccino
Coletar este Emblema Cookie Heart
Coletar este Emblema Starry Treat
Coletar este Emblema Drink Your Heart
Coletar este Emblema Stuffed Choco Delight
Meus vídeos


Thank you for visiting my homepage, here are some rules:
No Random Adds
No Begging
No Asking For My Badges
No Stealing
No Drama
No Bribing
I mostly focus on badging and creating on here. My messages are usually open to everyone BUT if one day it isn't try checking pulse because I pulse daily. If you are interested in trading badges know that I only exchange for badges of equal size or price and ONLY if I like the badge. I hope everything stated here is understood, if so have a look around!

My Recent Visitors (9)
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