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|T| Rolling Stones Tank(J) Duo 2off shoulder sweaterS evening dress7Brown/Jeweled/Top
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She is so fun to be around! She is sweet, loveable, and sometiems crazy but I love her always! She is a sister to me :)
Bishy16 are annoying, funny, and fun to be around...but you know I love ya XD Haha. We sometimes argue ( which isnt often) but we make up 1 minute after! I cant EVER stay mad at him. He has that effect on girls LOL
Candy! She is crazy and loveable =D She tackles me whenever I steal her ipod. She is a bad girl XD but Ily!!!
LAURA IS STINKY! 0.0 Hehe. She smells like cotton candy :) I want to buy her perfume! lol. I love laura so much, she is the spaghettii to my sauce!
Kaitt is so unique :) She is classy and crazy at the same time, which is a world record! Me and kaitt OWNS our chair! We make sure that no one jumps on it ( nick and tru)! We own you all :) mwuahah lol
Carly is a biter XD She bites me for no reason lol. But I love her from the bottom of my heart! She is so funny and I always crack up whenever she is around me .

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