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~At the age of maturity (25 for an elf) Zahar was sent for training, following in her father’s footsteps as a Shadowwalker, the defender of Elven lands who were skilled in scouting, reconnaissance, and defense. They are a brotherhood of twilight and shadow, ranging abroad in secret service to the Elven homeland. The Shadowwalkers account for much of the military and societal information the elves have about the outside world, and they are often the first, and sometimes last, line of Elven defense. Many of their number possess magical or divine skills. Some say, however, that the greatest of the Shadowwalkers display skills not entirely duplicated by any other group.
~As far back as she could remember, all children of her clan, or House Palanthar, were Shadowwalkers, and she would be no exception. Training was arduous, and not without incident, but she eventually excelled at the use of weapons for hand-to-hand combat, and the bow. Her father would expect nothing less of her and pushed her harder than her teachers. His efforts paid off when she was selected with a handful of the other students to be sent to Hunter’s Hall for additional training.
~At Hunter’s Hall their training included learning the spells of the Shadowwalker. The students were drilled daily and tested frequently until the spells could be called upon by will rather than the spoken word. Heavier weapons were introduced, and testing with wooden mock-ups were used. Her arms and legs ached from the training each day, but in the end she was thankful for it since she gained speed, agility and strength as a trade-off.
~Graduation Day came and the wooden mock-ups would not be used this day. The various Houses would be attending the ceremonies, and she and the others finished the obstacle course armed with actual weapons. They were presented with the coveted Celtic Moon Glaives, and so became known as Shadowwalkers.
~Now at the age of 195, she has been called to the capital city, Alustel, which is nestled on the shores of Lake Aelnin, near the Khazak Mountains. A feeling of anticipation permeates the city, and it is with trepidation that she goes to the temple and presents herself to the Elder Council.
Tthe Shadowwalker excels in many areas - hand-to-hand combat, archery, magic and stealth - making them a tough race to defeat. The infantry and cavalry tend to rely on speed and skill more than brute force. They are cautious warriors, planning their attacks carefully. The support of their good allies and woodland creatures also adds to their formidability in times of war.
~Ultravision: While all elves are able to see twice as far as a human, Ultravision gives the Night Elf far superior night vision; giving them the ability to see at night, as if it were day.
~Shadow Armor: The Shadowwalker becomes cloaked in a translucent film of shadow. The shadow is non-tangible yet somehow deflects weapons. He can cloak himself in the shadow armor at will as a free action. A Shadowwalker may not hide in the concealment granted by his armor.
~Shadow Jump: The Shadowwalker has the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow. Shadow jumping is a standard action at 30 ft increments.
~Shadow Walk: The Shadowwalker can use the spell shadow walk. He wills this effect, so there are no verbal or somatic components. The Shadowalker cannot use this ability to travel to other planes besides the prime material plane and the plane of shadow. Shadow Walking is a standard action.
~Speak with Nature: This ability allows the Shadowwalker to speak with plants and animals and functions as the spells of the same name, although the Shadowwalker merely wills it to occur, so there are no verbal or somatic components. He can also speak with both plants and animals, switching back and forth between the two at the same time.
~Sending - the ability to exchange thoughts and feelings by telepathy.
~Send-shielding - the ability to block or protect against the sending of others.
Zahar has taken a Snow Owl, Domelee [Night Eyes], as her companion and scout. Domelee will also take messages to other encampments, and the capital, as required.
Character Name: Nele’elandi (pronounced Nee-la-ay-lon-day); in the human language her name translates to Invisible arrow
Nickname: Neela (preferred)
Age: 250 (appears 30)
Race: mixed breed Elf [her grandfather was a High Elf, her grandmother a Moon Elf)
Class: Oht’istar [Warmage]
Alignment: Neutral Good
~As was the way of her family, Neela was sent to study under the priests of her clan to learn majik. Her daily life consisted of training with all manner of weapons along with physical training in the morning, then the arcane in the afternoons. She much preferred the weaponry as she seemed to have no inclinations for learning majik, barely able to conjur a puff of smoke from her fingertip; the plants seemed to wave their leaves in laughter at her, and the small pile of dirt on her desk just sat there, mocking her.
~Daily, the priests would throw their hands in the air in frustration, reporting her failures back to her parents. Any good spirits Neela had shown during the morning activities were gone by afternoon as she drug herself home to listen to her parents.
~Years went by and the priests had almost given up any hope of Neela learning majik until one day when she was playing in the pond with her brothers. They had been picking on her, teasing her about her lack of abilities and she became angry. Tears flowing down her face, she swung her arm as hard and as fast as she could, yelling kel amin [leave me]!
~Suddenly her brothers found themselves deposited on the bank of the pond, sputtering water as the huge wall of water receded back into the pond. From that point on, Neela studied the majik of the water elements.
~Finding their realm increasingly encroached upon from the south by orcs and ghouls, Neela’s clan began migrating north into the cooler climes. For Neela this was an advantage, as she and the others who practiced the water majik soon found themselves pressed into service as the enemy soon overran them. Those of her clan who weren’t killed, or enslaved, scattered to the far corners of the earth.
`Water Manipulation: Neela can manipulate water, creating a water spout, whirlpool or tidal wave, for protection from the enemy, or to drown them, as the circumstance warrants. Providing protection will exhaust her since maintaining the wall of water longer, to allow her allies to escape, requires more energy than smashing boats.
~Magickal Attack - Ice Projectiles: Neela can create projectiles out of water, be it ice arrows for her bow, ice knives, or large chunks of ice. While the arrows and daggers require no effort, hurling large chunks of ice at the enemy will exhaust her faster than the arrows or daggers or conventional weapons. She can encase her opponent in a block of ice but she uses this ability sparingly as it will require all her energy and the recovery period is long.
~Weapon Affinities: Being a Warmage, Neela is proficient in the use of sword, dagger, and bow. Perversely, she enjoys the exhilaration of a close-in battle with her opponent.