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Sobre Mim
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Status: Online
Avatar since: 03/09/2007

Age: 36
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Wherever light appears, also shadow appears. And wherever shadow appears, I\'m not far away...

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Alguém Especial
I could write a thousand things about you, but when I look at you, only one comes to my mind.
You're perfect.

Ich koennte tausend Dinge ueber dich schreiben, doch faellt mir bei deinem Anblick nur eines ein.
Du bist einfach rundherum perfekt.
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Thx to all of my visitors. Of course I will visit your sites too. ;)

Meus Amigos (22)
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I'm not begging anyone to make me a present! But if you want to make one on me, I thank you for your kindness. ;)

perfect tree house! Dark Ninjato Masks! Dark Ninjato Boots! Dark Ninjato TopLiane Dark Garden Tree
ICO Slayer Bundle MICO Assassin Bundle MICO Ninja Bundle MDEAD-posexSx Vampires Perch
Japanese Sakura MountainPhantom Heir: Magic[OKB]Melbourne Shuffle*P[OKB]Melbourne Shuffle2P[OKB]Melbourne Shuffle3P
VN  Ancient Tower*ima* winter campNight Camp Ground{FF}NINJA BUDDYspacer
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I'm proud to be a warrior of the Murk Empire, which is ruled by the great Empress Werena.

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The Murk Empire

1938 posts de 81 membros
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Principality of Leyla

69 posts de 8 membros
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Rilyn Akhura

994 posts de 23 membros
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3026 posts de 14 membros
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Silma Lend

221 posts de 25 membros
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Backyard Monsters

2542 posts de 399 membros
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The EMPIRE Legacy

43 posts de 16 membros
Contate me

Welcome to my time zone ;-)

Was Ihr hier seht, ist eine virtuelle Kopie meiner Selbst. Anders als im RP (Rollenspiel) nehme ich hier im VL ( Virtual Life [Virtuelles Leben]) Dinge auch schon mal persönlich. ;-) (Was nicht hei�en soll, dass ich nicht auch tolerant sein kann... ^^ )

Feel free to contact me at anytime... ;)

I'm 88% Evil
Will you manage to learn about...
...the other 12% of me?
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