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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-06-26
Age: 43
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This page was made to introduce myself a little to you,for people that like to read and know about the ones they are going to contact.
The ones that came across my page to watch pics only,will be disappointed because it will not satisfy their voyeurism.
So I'd like to encourage you to read about me before you make a decision wether to contact me or not.TY!

Also,make sure you speak one of the following languages well enough to make communication easy between You and Me . . . Spanish,English,French,German


About moi:

I go by the name Anthea (Lady Of The Flowers)...I was born 1980 in Puerto Rico.
Now residing in Germany, living with my lady friend in a nice city.
I love my family..my Mom is Chinese from Macau and my Dad is Puerto Rican.
I speak Spanish and English,and since I moved to Europe I also got some skills in French and German.
I adore my Friends, what would I do without You? I'm always up for a night of dancing at the club with my Girrrlsss..good times, fun times, unforgettable times...
I also spend a lot of time on Second Life wich is my kind of 3D world,way better than static IMVU with all its restrictions.
I'm trying to enjoy life as much as possible....

I am:

humorous(mostly sarcastic) . outgoing . picky . impatient . indecisive . sexy . sensual . caring . dominant . feline . careless . determined . independent . family-oriented . sometimes easily confused . unique . selfless . hopeful . sometimes weak . spontaneous . flirtatious . tattooed . pierced . strong . trendy . giving . rarely forgetful . stubborn . honest . blunt . manipulative . extremely impulsive . jealous . mean . arrogant . cruel . unfair . sweet . thoughtful . responsible . mature . intelligent . careful . original . fearful . strict . posh . pitiless . consuming .

I cant get enough of:

ZOEY(I love you) . my family . BEBE(I love you) . love. kisses . shopping . make-up .
shoes and pantyhoses . earrings . romance .
desperate housewives and sex and the city. music . candles . my ipod mini . teasing . beauty . tattoos . my friends . traveling . turtles . mariah . beyonce . black . green . pink . gifts . left eye . gentle caresses .
SLOPPY JOE EARS (She's crazy,LOL! She can make her ears move.LOL!) .
movies . skirts . outfits . dresses . meeting new people . pucca . sleep . aesthetic and subtile eroticism . sensuality . wheat thins . tender touches . partying . sexiness . mutya . appletinis . summer . surprises . dancing . tennis . smiles . attention . care .
Austin Powers and the Fook Twins,Fook Yu and Fook Mi . Sponge Bob . cats . butterflies .

I highly despise:

pervs . inconsiderate people . disappointments . redundancy . stereotype . immaturity . shallowness . winter . dark liquor . beer . working . liars . pragmatism . greed . uncleanliness . posers . insomnia . superiority . passiveness . grudges . close-mindedness . all the negative about me,mentioned above in "I am" section .

I fear:

pain . heartbreak . loneliness . failure . bugs . painful death . confinement . change .

Who I'd like to meet:

someone who can prove me wrong and able to tame the predator that I am.

My most embarrassing moments ever:

I have made many mistakes in my past,that I deeply regret.
One of these so called mistakes are being naive and put my trust in some people that didn't deserve it.
This is what I deeply regret and still makes me feel sick thinking about.

Losing your face is most embarrassing !!!


You should never take my friendship and affection for granted, and sorry,I dont add You if I dont know You or have any affiliation with You.

If You are intersted in an intimate relationship with Me in IMVU, the answer is NO !
Also,IMVU is not the best place to meet for matters of the heart.
Please do not think you are Superman and can make me change my mind, just stay away.If I want something I know how to get it and where to go for it. TY!

Beggars and Pervs are not welcomed in my real life ! So why should I welcome them here ? If you belong to one of these groups you better keep on steppin' !

I am a soul collector,

I am untouchable

and I will break your heart !

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
Meus vídeos

IMing the Submissive
by: cannoligirl

Meus Amigos (2)

Minha Lista de Desejos
[bq]Jupiter room-Bundle-LIZ sequin red(2)LIZ purple dmnd heelLIZ classic pumps 1LIZ sequin black (2)
[ACS] LOTUS VILLALIZ black pants[NR]FF Stockings BeigeLIZ soft green dressLIZ yellow gold dress
LIZ Divinity tearLIZ Rouge CorsetLIZ ebony crm heelsLIZ rouge sling backsspacer
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The Role of a Mistress: Is it as Glamorous as it Seems?

Let me first tell you that I won't play your mistress on here!Although it is one of my interests,it remains only a part of my many interests.

This is just a try to explain what a mistress really is.Despite what most people think the real mistress is not a BDSM prostitute!

Mistress: A mysterious sexy woman that a married man sees in secret to have a romantic and sexual relationship with. This is the definition of a mistress. There is good sex, hotel room adventures, late nights, seductive phone calls, exciting secret dates, gifts and the thrill of doing something bad. But…is being a mistress as glamorous as it seems?

Yes, BUT only at first. Being a mistress has its exciting moments and these are the moments that convince women to become a mistress in the first place. In the beginning, the mistress holds all the power. She is the one who has the married man under a love spell and she gets all his attention and time that he should be spending with his wife. She is the one he fantasizes about when he is with his wife and the one he misses. He urges for her company and longs to hear her voice. The mistress is the woman a married man makes first priority and will shower her with gifts to keep her happy. This all sounds fun and good, but it is very short lived and eventually, the light goes on and shines on the truth of what the life of a mistress really is and eventually becomes after the sexy stage is over.

Relationships that start off in deception usually end in deception. When a woman gets involved with a married man, she turns a blind eye to the fact that he is a cheater and an unreliable partner. She sees only what she wants to see and believes only what she wants to believe. She acknowledges the fact that he is cheating on his wife with her, but refuses to see that she too is a victim of his selfish behavior- choosing to make herself his victim. Men rarely leave their wives and family for their mistresses, which means that they string their mistresses along, having them believe that one day they will both be together with no more hiding around. Mistresses hang on to this fantasy, believing that their married lover truly loves them and will eventually be with them and this begins a long journey of emotional pain, emptiness and endless waiting.

There are of course cases when a married man will actually leave his wife to be with his mistress, this has been known to happen, but it is rare. Plus, if it does happen, the relationship usually does not last, even if man and mistress go as far as getting married. This is because when the relationship started, it was not planted on solid, honest ground. Instead, the seed of the relationship was planted on unstable ground, fertilized with secrets and lies- regardless of whom the secrets were being kept from and whom the lies were being told to. Secrets and lies disallow people from being their true selves- a part of you has to be put on hold due to the man-mistress circumstance. If the man and his mistress do end up together and get married, they eventually have troubles with trust, because of the way they got together. They both know that they are capable of cheating and going along with cheating and while they may actually love each other- all the facts defining their relationship has the greater influence, whether they want to acknowledge it or not.

Most man-mistress relationships do not get that far though and majority of the times, he will not leave his marriage for his mistress. He may believe at one point that he will, but his feeling of responsibility and need to be loyal to his wife and family take over and he therefore does not leave. Most men have affairs because of communication problems in their marriage or an empty gap that has grown in their marriage and they are unsure on how to approach. They long for good happy company again without complications, and an affair is a good escape for them- but it does not last forever.

Definiton of a Mistress:A mistress is a man's long term female sexual partner and companion who is not married to him. The relationship is generally stable and at least semi-permanent; however, the couple do not live together openly. Also, the relationship is usually but not always secret. Unlike a concubine, a mistress has no legal relationship to the man. There were many men in the past who have kept mistresses along with their wives.

Historically, the term has denoted a kept woman, who was maintained in a comfortable (or even lavish) lifestyle by a wealthy man so that she will be available for his sexual pleasure. Such a woman could move between the roles of a mistress and a courtesan depending on her situation and environment. Today however, the word mistress is used primarily to refer to the female companion of a man who is married to another woman; in the case of an unmarried man it is usual to speak of a "girlfriend" or "partner."

Historically a man "kept" a mistress. As the term implies, he was responsible for her debts and provided for her in much the same way as he did his wife, although not legally bound to do so. In more recent and emancipated times, it is more likely that the mistress has a job of her own, and is less, if at all, financially dependent on the man.

A mistress is not a prostitute. Both professions exchange sex for money, but the principal difference is that a mistress keeps herself exclusively reserved for one man, in much the same way as a wife. There is also usually an emotional and possibly social relationship between a man and his mistress, whereas the relationship to a prostitute is predominantly sexual.

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