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Status: Online
Avatar since: 24/09/2006

Age: 43
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I was uncool, before uncool was cool!
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
Hi...Im 26.. I LOVE BEADS & Jewellery...Im an independent Australian Costume Jewellery Designer and Id love you to click on my logo to visit my page!
Visit my store for an online Jewellery Shopping Experience! I ship internationally!!!
This is some of my work.....
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called Necklaces & Earrings. Make your own badge here.
Thankyou for visiting my page! Don't forget to check out my products; you never know there might be something in there that takes your fancy!
*gEm*s Product PAGE!
If you visit, do the courteous thing and leave at least a 'HELLO!'- if its a codshit message though; I'll delete it! Im getting married next year- Im HAPPILY engaged and no Im not interested in cybering with the avatar that looks NOTHING LIKE YOU! Im here for friends, to dress up my avatar and have fun! Sounds like you? Awesome then lets chat! Cheers, Gem
Yes! Yes it is....
Likes: piercings, tattoos, new clothes, fashion, shoes, my new electric wok, the smell of clothes drying on radiators, accents of any kind, iced coffee, broccoli, blazers with jeans, smiling, laughing, crying, the way my parents look at each other after 30 odd years of marriage, my friends, my cat 'tatters', my Dads taste in music, cups of tea and movies under the doona, cuddles, kisses, shoes, teaching children, creating things, having my brother home after 10 years away, my garden, succulents & jelly!
Dislikes: mosquitos, being cold, capsicum of any colour, rubbish on busses & on the street, people who try too hard to be something they clearly arent, back-stabbing, politics, standing in queues, driving next to large trucks, stubbing my toe, poking myself in the eye, grey hairs, sleazy old men, no air-conditioning, flat coke, running out of batteries for my walkman, no milk in the fridge, arguing with loved ones, relying on others!
I LOVE Bettie Page-she's one amazing woman and such an inspiration! Too many women with 'real bodies' are dying out!!!! Hail to HIPS!
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I use my wish list as a source to 'bookmark' items in the catalog that I would like to purchase in the future. If by any chance you decide that you'd like to give me a gift.. Id be more than willing to accept! I love da presents! (if youre really special.. I love to give them too!)
*gEm* the wish list JUNKIE!!!!!!
[Foxi]80\'s heels pink[V4NY] Prada Head[Sx] GoCee Skin- Med[P] Pin Up Poses v2~10[Fly] Playful Girl
*L*IntensifyingSeduction[AB]50's Dance Dress[8O8] HOT GIRLZ[S.D.]Princess mind!!=)(Ð) PunkButterflyz Skin
[8O8] Sensually Yours[V4NY] Prada VN #9Delicacy Bettie HairDelicacy Bettie Shoes[8O8] Bad Girlz
Blood Drip Sabina$Star - SombreGrey tartan short(Ð) Silver Facial Jewelsspacer
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