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Sobre Mim
Foto de Avatar
Status: Online
Avatar since: 21/05/2008

Age: 103
Last log on:

su is a pirate :O
Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Os meus interesses
about this mudkip.

her favourite colors are electric blue, violet, black, and white..

she has green eyes.

she loves anime.

she doesn't care what you think of her, really.

she lives in florida right now, no matter what her location on her page says.

she hates copycats, they're lame.

she doesn't need friends on imvu. :]

she wants you to message her c:

you can call her kiba, it's her nickname.

and YES, she likes writing in third person.

Alguém Especial
My real special someone is someone named Shawn. I've known him for a while now, and i still...Well, ya know. He doesn't use IMVU, but still. I'd rather not put his avatar name because of Nami. xD
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