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Photobucket Photobucket Eyy whats up this is Nady..Im 15 yeARS old and I still act like im 11 years old. I love life its awesome..I love being crazy with my bffs..I live life to the fullest i act like there will be no tomorrow. I get in trouble alot. I love shoping with my friends and making stupid videos. Im not a poser or a fake. I hate people who ask for ur cell phone Number..No dont ask me im not going to give it to you..And i will just click out of the chat so dont ask me that or for my msn cause i never use it. But yeah i do have a myspace but i dont add old weirdos so dont plan on adding me if ur over 18. My myspace is But Yeah msg Me and lets chat? Lalalalala
ANN Cute Panda Tee AQUA+PlayDuh Purple Skinnys+[Sx]Diam. Fur Heels -Blk! Vinyl Black Sexy Skirt~BZ~ Neon Madness
[LF] GhetoRoyalti BJeanz+Candy Pink Skinnys+[b] Dayumm(m)Scene Queen{E}ToxicLove_TankTop
[YL] FullOutfit+PoundingYellow Skinnys++Baby Bright Skinnys+*.904.* B3rRYBlaST - BSANN Plaid Mini GRAY
{F} California BeautéMORF Plaid Baby Shorts[ band aid xDD ]+Hyper Lime Skinnys+(m) Melissa Kannibal
Alguém Especial
Omg I love this girl to death..wE our such BBFE(Besst.Bitches.ForEver) we always laff together and have so much fun she is a blast to be around.shes relly pretty also outgoing funny. and she has a relly pretti smil3 like this :)lol but yah i love her soo much! if shes not on yur buddies list! add her right now !(shes also my dork:]] lol) i love her like a sisterr!!.
hayyyy im hacking nadys acc. right now!(dont worry she knows)**hacked by tila** ok. this girl is amazingggg. i know i alredy tlk about her on my special someone but thats okay kuz i needed to do this. shes the bestest frend in thw WHOLE wide wide wide world.seriusly. i love her soo much. bestiiiiiesss! i remember when we met at school in 6th grade! it wuhz funny kuz we always used to think like why is she looking at me? and then wed be like bu then we jsut became frends and the rest on wuhz GREAT! we always love going to the beach together. laffing and being DORKS in public! lol its funnnnn.! theres so much more i kud tell you guys..the funny stories we have! well im about to fall asleep. so byebye. love yuh!-*hacked*-tila

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