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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-01-25
Idade: 44
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"Some nice Girl, somewhere..."

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Hi there! My name's Sonia (Sony for my friends) and I live in Switzerland. I'm 26 and I'm married to a wonderfull man: Darkpaws, since 5 years (yep, I married soon but when you know it's the ONLY person, you don't have to think about twice).

I've 3 adorable dogs and 1 cutty cat. The dogs are: Jazz, a Border Collie who's 6; Sleepy a X-ed who's 5 and Velvet Darkpaws de l'Orée des Charmois, an Australian Shepherd who's nearly 3. The cat's name Garcimore, a X-ed who's 7 months old.

We all live in harmony, in an appartment, in the center of Geneva.

We are often outside for the dogs, which ask plenty of running and playing time.

I love dogs exibitions, Velvet is a show dog who won some little titles and is becoming a stud dog.

I'm interrested in Hardware and Software, our 2 computers at home are selfmade by my husband and I.

Well... that's all Folks!

Hope tchat with you soon!


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I've here "some little" things on my wishlist, don't worry, you don't have to buy them to be my friend lol .

For me it's just a way to know where the next things I'll buy are, just a "reminder".

So, just keep cool Folks! :)

butterfly eclectic mgentHorseCUTE COWGIRL BundleCOWGIRL BUNDEL!!![ACS] VENICE
PlatinumAyaBaseBleachedBlackTwinFallsLoLuxury Black & Gold BarWildWild West DressChoclateFudgeTwinFallsLo
WolfChoclateFudgeAyaBasemedieval redblk gownHoneynutAyaBaseGold Animal Print Rug
HoneynutTwinFallsLongBeach Ball 2 Tone Pinkspacerspacerspacer
O meu URL

I aven't only one or two websites, but several. Here are the links (they're all in french):

My husband's: http://www.chienkirit.com (about our family)

My dog, Velvet Darkpaws: http://www.aussiesweb.com/velvet (with an english part)

My cat, Garcimore: http://www.aussiesweb.com/garcimore

About Australien Shepherds, the dog breed: http://www.aussiesweb.com

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