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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2006-07-16
Age: 40
Estados Unidos - OK
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"Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Evening"

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(Be patient with the music. Some connections might take longer to load)

Im a fairly easy to get along with person or at least I like to think so. I tend to talk in a manner that some people take as being stuck up or full of myself, but I assure you its far from it. Its just the way I talk. Although my humor or witty remarks tend to become lost in text.

Other than that I do enjoy a rather good conversation with people. As long as its a fairly intelligent conversation to say the least. I've had my fair share of asl conversations and I assure you I wont stay if you start it off that way.

Please dont beg. Not only do I find it bothersome it only demeans yourself. So please dont.

Please feel free to message me and maybe we can talk sometime. Until then I wish you all well. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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friendly Amigos 3
visitors Visitantes 32
kharma Presentes 9
generosity Generosidade 3

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Friends are something you should cherish always in life. As they are fragile bonds in life.
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Welcome to my little dark corner. I do hope you enjoy your stay and perhaps we can talk sometime. Please dont be a stranger..
Minha Lista de Desejos
Just a reminder list of things I want to buy later. But if you should buy me something from my list then you have my sincerest gratitude and thanks.
Ashones TailFurry Pride W/Claw MarksArmored Trench Coatspacerspacer