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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-04-06
Age: 34
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"The Developer Credit Loaner"

Veja meus Álbuns (1)

!~*Attention Developers*~!

Welcome to the homepage of DeveloperInvestor Inc,! We here at DevInvestor are in the business of investing credits in new and upcoming developers so they can submit products so when they start making a name for themselves and some credits they pay us back (with interest) and advertise us to other upcoming developers and the process starts ALL over! It's a very nice system for those people who want to be devs but can't buy credits! All you need to do is send a message and we'll send you some more info.! So get to it!

0 credits available

Contate me
O meu URL
Banner Code <center><a href="http://pt.avatars.imvu.com/DeveloperInvestor"> <img src="http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k95/ masteratarms_1993/devinvestorbanner.png" width="409" height="131" border="0" /></a></center>
My Recent Visitors (0)

How to be a developer. (Not a tut.)

Get ready

-Buy your name
-Register as a devloper
-Download Previewer
-Download an advanced paint prgram (like GIMP[FREE])
-Watch some tutorials (Waltzingmouse)

Buy on IMVU

Developer Sticker (comes in blue also, or you can get one to match your page) (Also there is a "TRAINING" sticker to overlap it)
Developer Button Down By:redfox1187

Dev Guild/Developer Union Support Sticker (This is Mayu's basic one but you can get one to match your page)

Do these things

-Design a logo to mark your products.
-Become a forum regular (forums are a valueable tool).
-Buy credits to submit (don't blow them off on stuff).
-OK now start making some stuff.
-Design a banner to plaster on your page and give it to others.
-Send out shoutouts to advertise.
-Start kissing some asses of big time developers.
-Join a referal program like Cassiopeia's.
-Join a developers guild.
-Now just advertise like crazy and pump out the products.
-If you get REALLY well known a good idea is to make a web site on freewebs or piczo.
Os meus interesses

The Team

CEO and Founder-Kevin (FiendJager666)

Cross Design Group

Cross Design Group store

MONEY, Developer, IMVU, credits, dev, cash, Developing, predits, Developer Union, dev guild, developers union
Alguém Especial
DeveloperInvestor não tem um alguém especial.
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DeveloperInvestor doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Confira os grupos IMVU! compartilhar interesses, realizações, conselhos, fofocas, histórias, qualquer coisa, tudo!
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