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Avatar since: 12/05/2008

Age: 31
United States - MO
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Photobucket Vampires
You Should Drive a Lamborghini
A true daredevil, you're always in search of a new rush. Clearly, you're a total speed demon... just don't get caught!

You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

What Do You Wear To Bed?

According to our experts, you wear :


Why bother with clothing, sleeping in the buff is cool%2

Minha Lista de Desejos
Dark Oracle BundlexAyperosx_Outfit_3-D|V -Spirit Crusher .R.-D|V -Spirit Crusher .L.-D|V - Nocturne Minder
BL - LuciusLongHorns Electric Bluetß | luk' for boys.Frozen Blue [M][T] RUSIKI Black/White
[T] RUSIKI Black[T] RUSIKI Black/Blue[T] RUSIKI Bleached!KJ Xmas RoyalSilverRobeZ7 Bishounen020
Luna Lounge Bar(EP) ultimate rail gun/MLAPD PIANO MUSICspacerspacer
Meus vídeos
My Sandbox
Alguém Especial
LordRockyKnightWolf não tem um alguém especial.
Photobucket Photobucket lonely boy rock [IMG][/IMG]

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What vampire clan do you belong to?
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You scored as Gangrel

You belong to the Gangrel bloodline. Gangrel are very in touch with nature and for this reason are often loners and hermits. They have a very keen sense of the beast inside them and can let it out with devastating results. They do, however, have a bit less control over their impulsive, animalistic nature and are easy to drive into an uncontrollable frenzy.














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Os meus interesses
Aerosmith lonely boy Photobucket Photobucket war is only the begging 000000__00000___0000__00___00 _0___00_0_____0_0______00__0__ _00000__0_____0_0_______0000__ _0___00_0_____0_0______00__00_ _0___00__00000___0000__00___00 ______________________________ _______000000__000____00______ ______0______0_0000___00______ ______0______0_00_00__00______ ______0______0_00_000_00______ ______0______0_00__00000______ ______0______0_00___0000______ _______000000___00___000______ 888888888888888888888888888888888 88888___88888888888888888___88888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____888888888888888_____8888 8888_____88____888____88_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8______8______8_____8888 8888_____8____8888888888888888888 8888_____8___88_____________88888 8888_____8__88_______________8888 8888______888_________________888 8888________88_________________88 8888__________88_______________88 8888____________88_____________88 8888_____________88___________888 8888______________8___________888 8888_______________8__________888 8888_______________8_________8888 88888_______________________88888 888888_____________________888888 888888888888888888888888888888888
Cooking, Little, Music, Photography, Sub, Unowned
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Brains Required!

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Jigoku Ichizoku

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RPP2: Rise of Darkness

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RPP3: Chosen

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RPP Academy of Might and Magic.

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IS Productions

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~: Friday The 13th :~

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friendly Amigos 94
visitors Visitantes 1038
kharma Presentes 109
generosity Generosidade 44

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