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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-04-27
Idade: 51
United States - WA
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"A pair of....."

See My Albums (7)

Hey..Thanks for stopping by. To start with, I am MARRIED. I am also a big girl and I can chat if I want to! *stomps foot* I love to take pictures on IMVU but that does not mean I am some kind of cyber slut. I do enjoy chatting with many people and I also prefer that they be older. I do not have an "age limit" but I am 33 with a husband and child. In order to chat we must have something in common so keep that in mind. Feel free to leave a message if you like. And one day when I gather the skills needed this page will be fantastically done...I have a ways to go.
Relationship Status: Married
Contate me
I am working a lot and spending more time in Second Life...but leave a message and i'll get back to you.
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friendly Amigos 8
visitors Visitantes 137
kharma Presentes 31
generosity Generosidade 8

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Minha Lista de Desejos
So many things, So little time.....
-v- ViciousxSx Heated couple dance{fm} Kesha Brown{fm} Alyss Brown{fm} Carlotta Brown
Arabian Dreams Bed[LP]Sexy Dance ClubTreve Silk[CRL]Romantic GardenUnderground Garden
Sakura GardenLove GardenMoonlit Romance GardenAncient Garden(v) MOON GARDEN
The Secret  Garden*SD* wild gardenspacerspacerspacer

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