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Avatar desde: 2007-06-13
Idade: 44
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What Angel Are You?

Night Angel
You are a night angel.Smooth, calm even when angry, and slick.You love dark colours, Purples, Black, Blood red.Water loves you and you love water, you get one wonderfully since you shine for her and she refelects you.You have an attacment for leather, or somthing similar to it.You don't have a big anger, more of a deep one, you will hold a grudge for eternity but you make the punishment fit the crime.
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Which Magical Order Are You In?

You are an Elementalist. Your magic stems from the forces of nature. You might be a forest nuturing Druid, a storm-creating Weather-Wizard or any of the many Elementals, but one thing is sure-- your bond with nature is strong. You can rely heavily on nature to support yourself aesthetically or physically for it lends you both comfort and strength. Your instincts rarely fail you. You are vibrantly passionate but are sometimes carried away by your own emotions.
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What Chinese Symbol Are You?

EARTH is your chinese symbol!
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Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]

Your soul was born in the Shadows.Your soul was born in the shadows of the moon at night. You're all mystery and enigma and your element is the Moon. No one really knows who you are, but they might think they know you. You only tell people fragments of who you are and never show your true personality. That doesn't have to mean that you're being someone you're not though. You're always yourself and you never do something just because someone else does. Some might think you're a little cold or dull, but you're just hiding your true self for some reason. Maybe only a couple of selected people have ever seen the true you. You are loyal to these people and it will take time if anyone else wants to gain your trust. You let people think that they know you and that you trust them. But sooner or later they will realize that they never really knew you. Be careful. Someday you might need someone who knows what you need. Trust people. You prefer silence and tranquillity. You're calm and collected and a nice person most of the time.
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Which eye are you?

You are the philospher. You are Intellegent and are very interested in the little things in life. Studying and thinking are some of your favorite things to do. With a great mind like yours, I fee like no everyone in this world is an airhead xD
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jazz, basketball, Gemini, shopping, Soul, reading, forensics, mangas, Sudoku, Salsa, R&B, raving, AmmericanFootball
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cat6*B* TeH MissEmerald HeaddressGothic Black SilverFever Gold Top
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