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Contate me
Ronni. 16 years young. Female. Bisexual. Texas. Heart lies in California. Living in The Moment. The nicest person you might ever meet. The meanest bitch you could ever come across. Zombie lover. Hates fake people. Doesnt want to date you. Loves anyone who cares. Eats noobs for lunch. not emo. Thinks cybersex is overrated. Couldn't give a shit if it was your fucking birthday. Can seriously fuck you up. Talk shit get hit. Music is the key to life. Fucked your mom. Loves family. Would die without friends (real and imvu). Self-conceited at times. Brutally honest. Muslim :]. Bad temper but knows how to keep it cool. Bilingual. Speaks English and Urdu/Hindi. Can read Arabic but cant speak it yet. Underestimated. Leave a message. Bless your mother. :)

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