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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2005-12-18
Age: 50
United States - OH
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"Top o' the mornin to ya"

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I really don't know what to say about myself, but I'll do my best! I am a 31 year young man. I am married to one extremely sexy woman, and have 4 kids (8 yr old girl, 6 yr old girl, 2yr old boy, and a 8 mo old girl).
As far as my hobbies go, I like photography (nature and life), camping, hiking, geocaching, well pretty much anything outdoors.
My interests include, computers, web design (still a novice), lighthouses (my background is of Pigeon Point Light Station, in California), Waterfalls, electronics, and playing the devils advocate in debates.....basically I'll argue a point even if I know I'm dead wrong.
My beliefs are well we could say off the wall! I believe so much is possible, even the impossible. The only reason the impossible seems that way is because we haven't opened our eyes to alternate methods of achieving what we are striving to accomplish (if that makes sense..LOL). As far as religion, I have belonged to so many different "brands", I don't trust organized religion anymore. I also don't disrespect anyone for the religion they have choosen. If it works for you go with it! I do believe in a god, but I also believe in natural earth religions, such as druidism, shaminism, etc. and I tend to draw from the two paths I just mentioned. Well I guess that describes me, hope that gives you an insight into my being. I can tell you this though, my friends say I am unique, but I know they are being nice, I am strange, and well that's good, because one thing I am not is a conformist.....I do believe in individuality.

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Update 12/28/05: Changed the look and feel of my page!
Update 01/01/06: Added the Rune Collection to my page and catalog!

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Feel free to leave me a message, comment on the site, etc. If I'm online and you want to chat, that's cool too. Also if you have any questions or comments about some of the stuff I've made ask!
Just a side note, Sometimes chat requests are not getting to me, or I if I click accept, the client crashes. So if it appears I cancelled I appologize in advance!
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My Sandbox
I like to blog about stuff, but I only want to maintain one blog, so this RSS feed is my blog on Yahoo 360, I hope you enjoy. Oh yeah almost forgot, I do post pics in my blog sometimes so you can always click on the headline to goto that blog entry!!!!! Later.

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