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Avatar desde: 2005-10-11
Idade: 32
United States - PA
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"Are you naughty or are you nice?"

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NO LONGER NEED TO SAVE ME LORD TROWA HAS DONE SO AND I'M FINALLY HUMAN It was a long time ago. I remember the day very clearly. It was many years ago. The red creatures came to our little village and distoryed our crops. And then they went to each hut and slaughtered all the villagers. When they came to our dusty old hut my father tried to save me by swing his sword at them they knocked it out of us hand and laughed. They stabbed him in the chest with their naginata. I heard the sound of a big snap and blood rushed out his chest like a fountain. I began to cower in the corner. They then walked over to my mother and grabbed her head they then slit her neck with a katar and roared. I hid my face with my hands. I heard them coming toward me, I let one of my fingers move to let my eye see through they were looking at me. One of them uttered a phrase i will never forget, "Chai uter kek lamos ulie ladre" Then he put his hand on my head. I tilted my head to the sky and screamed. There was throbbing pain in my veins. I lifted my hands up to my head, they were changing to a red and black color and out of the corner of my eye i saw in a mirror my head. It was also turning that color. But my eyes, my eyes they were pulsing red and had demonic features to them i quickly turned away from the mirror. The demon with his hand still on my head fell back onto the ground. I tried to scream, but this time it was not a scream......it was a roar. The demons around me got down on their knees. I looked at my chest it had lots of markings that i could now understand but then i remembered those words they first uttered before i changed. And i now know what it ment. "This boy will be our leader" In the next years i was told by the demons that my soul and energy in my body was perfect for the Lord of Demons. I realized and accepted that this was my fate. And to this day I am sworn to destroy all my enemies and protect the High Warlord xXNinjaFocusXx to my death. Which will never come. My only weakness is a containment spell that will shut my demon side down completely and order me to obey whoever cast the spell. Only then will i turn back to my original state and finally destroy the demons! I am forced to work for my master until that day comes someone free me!
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How I got my powers: It was my last task to be the Demon Lord. I had to kill a god. I chose Ra, Ra is one of the greatest gods ever, well he was. I teleported to the temple of Raa in the sky. The gates were made of Raven Beaks reinforced with the blood of Ra himself. The guard was a giant stone statue with a giant naginata. I cast the reversal universal spell on him which turned him into my demon minion. I commanded him to open the door of Ra. He do so and I let him go out of my control and off the temple side. I walked inside the temple. Ra sat there starring at me with his eyes our eyes met. He rose and said, "Who dare enter my temple!?!" I kneeled before him and said, "I do great god of son, I am the Demon Lord." He looked at me with rage. "Why are you here?" he yelled. I have come to slay you then I roared pulled out Ragnorak. He flew into the sky. He chanted some words and fireballs scoarched down from the sky. One of the large ones hit my left wing and I fell to the marble floor....REST COMING SOON
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