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Avatar desde: 2007-12-04
Age: 46 18+ Age Verified Idade Verificada
Estados Unidos - TX
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"Life is what happens while we wait for our appointment with the mortician."

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I've got the reach and the teeth of a killin' machine, with a need to bleed you when the light goes green, best believe, I'm in a zone to be, from my Yin to my Yang, to my Yan Tze. Put a grin on my chin when you come to me, 'cuz I'll win, I'm a one-of-a-kind and I'll bring death to the place you're about to be: another river of blood runnin' under my feet. Forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you'll never stand alone. I'm last to leave, but the first to go, Lord, make me dead before you make me old. I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy faces in my sights: Aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice. I am a soldier and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song. I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore, Wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I'll kill some more. Bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown to gasoline, If death don't bring you fear, I swear, you'll fear these marchin' feet. Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil be, In the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps. Call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag; Hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast. I am a soldier and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song. My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, I am a warrior and this is my song. Now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief, and the least of me's still out of your reach. The killing machine's gonna do the deed, until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves. Chin in the air, with a head held High, I'll stand in the path of the enemy line. Feel no fear, know my pride: for God and Country I'll end your life. I am a soldier and I'm marching on, I am a warrior and this is my song. My eyes are steel and my gaze is long, I am a warrior and this is my song.

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