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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-05-06
Age: 39
United States - CA
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"Evil never dies, it waits to be reborn"

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What type of vampire are you? (pictures!)

You are the sexy-but-deadly vampire! You have an unhealthy lust for blood and you have a sly personality. You dont mind killing, in fact, you love seeing the life drain from your victum's eyes. Very scary! :O
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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
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Allo ducky!!!
It's been a long time has it not, well I've missed you oh so much and I tried coming too say hello to you in the evening of last night but you were a bit too busy I suppose, talk to you another time.. By the way you are my special person, hoorays!


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Os meus interesses
Dearies below is a link to a place filled with dark wonders, please have a look and support a friend...
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Fondest greetings to you dear children of the night, Welcome and thankyou for dropping by my page, or if your looking upon the who's online you may find me lurking there, here below are my interests, enjoy them if you will. Here we are after the Dir En Grey concert...
goth, metal, death, Vampires, Murder, Tea, corsets, Scorpio, roses, torture, halloween, Leather, witchcraft, literature, techno, toreador, violins, lace, religion, temptation, crosses, electronic, Madness, Edgar Allen Poe, macabre
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Welcome children too my most humble of abodes. Feel free too settle back and make yourself at home, just be sure to put up a scare and show me you care by sending me a message before you go!!!
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Don't just drop by and leave, be sure and drop a lil message for me!!!
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Dark Wings Tattoo5 Anime PosesAnton LaVey DollSilent Lake CabinThe Screaming Crypt
L:Ears-Vampire White Fspacerspacerspacerspacer

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