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Status: Online

Avatar desde: 2007-06-03
Age: 60 18+ Age Verified Idade Verificada
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"The Netherlands is a country below sea-level, we would drown if we wouldn\'t stay high all the time."

See My Albums (2)

Looking For: Friendship
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friendly Amigos 10
visitors Visitantes 640
kharma Presentes 8
generosity Generosidade 281

Alguém Especial
As we walk our path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance.
But, some are sent our way.
These become special friends
Whose bond we can't explain;
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain.
Love you babe.. xxx
Os meus interesses

The Voice Of Seduction

It was another lonely evening
In another lonely bar
When across the crowded gathering
I see, there you are
Intoxicating beauty and grace and poise
Seemingly unaffected by the crowd and the noise
I watched you deflect suitors by the dozen
Hovering about and stalking you like a coven
I sat and we talked and I no longer had a choice
Uncommon beauty and a lively intelligence
A rare combination beneath such a lovely countenance
And, oh lord, such an exquisite voice
Low and breathy, full of promise
The voice of seduction
Eroticism, witticism, full of compassion
A voice that prompts thoughts of
Nights of wild abandon
Of full moons.... Above warm tropical rains
Of long moonlit walks on the sands
Of fine wines and candlelit dinners
Of mountain log cabins with crackling fires
Of romantic destinations, nights filled by sighs
A woman whose conversation is an event
Intelligent, inventive, romantic, and heaven-sent
Knowledgeable about so many subjects
With a voice that entrances sweet and direct
A woman's maturity and a little girl's innocence
Simple naivete and seductive temptress
A complex woman without a doubt
A siren perhaps, singing to tout
Chivalry, sensitivity, and romance
Qualities begging for enhancement
In men the world over
Therefore the key to this maiden of myth
Is to make sure that she is never bereft
Of the qualities she so richly deserves
Do this to ensure that her love will be preserved.

rock, fun, sexy, punk, kinky, metal, Computers, Scorpio, Humor, Honest, positive, Travel, speed, Women, Netherlands, 80's, poker, serious, suzuki, 70's, mud, Challenges, fantasies, 4x4, OpenMinded
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