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Avatar since: 09/07/2016

Age: 30  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
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Relationship Status: Other
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"Here’s to the ones who are not brilliant. Here’s to the people who question the very purpose of their existence, like I do. To the ones who feel like they do not belong, to the ones who feel they were born in the wrong century, in the wrong galaxy. Those who are full of insecurities, worries, doubts and fears. Those who feel crippled with paranoia and trapped in a meant coated skeleton. There are people like you and me, equally messed up, their souls equally complex and bruised. They too spend Sunday afternoons gazing at clear blue skies, trying to connect to their real self, looking for something to free them, to save them, waiting for miracles while sipping coffee. These people too are lost like you and me, their minds wandering aimlessly through forests and alleys, and places and countries, hoping to make sense of their own existence, hoping to be significant. Trying desperately to love themselves with the self-love they are told is the only cure, but failing miserably, horribly. So, on those evenings when your body and soul seem like two separate entities, when you feel exiled from the home within your own heart. Know, I have been there too and it will be okay, it will get better. It has to, right?"

You are mine at this moment Perhaps, this might not be the case tomorrow It might be so that you might not be yourself It might be so that I might not be myself Our paths may divide We might get lost on the way Still I will keep loving you I might die in your love, Still I shall keep loving you I shall sing songs of your love Through my silence You are as essential for me As air is for breathing I search for you as Feet search for ground (to stand on) I will search for you like crazy Whenever I have to laugh or cry You might not love me tomorrow, I might not have the permission tomorrow But still I shall be at your doorstep With the broken pieces of my heart Since I have met you like this, I look more golden Now I don’t just laugh through my lips But my whole body laughs My days and nights are pretty All of this is because of you We won’t always be together You will be somewhere else, I will be somewhere else But when you will remember me, I will come to you in the form of wind

After every dispute between us, I become more attached to you, as though we’re a thread, the more tangled the stronger it is
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